Mia Togo

Mia Togo

2 Seasons

Mia Togo is a senior teacher, teacher trainer, and mentor at Yoga Works, where she teaches both in-person and online. Her background in psychology and life coaching has helped her students understand their fears and follow their callings. She creates a safe and supportive space for her students to explore their truth and honor what comes up for them, rather than push it away. Her teaching encourages a mindful and loving approach to yoga practice.

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Mia Togo
  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - Pow, Pow, Power - 7/4/2023

    Episode 1

    A flow to help you connect to your personal power. Freedom is an inside job. This class is about connecting to what strengthens you physically as well as mentally and emotionally. Alignment allows space to attune to where your true power lies.

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - Adjust and Balance - 7/6/2023

    Episode 2

    A flow class to find balance from the inside /out. falling down and making mistakes is so human, this is how we learn and grow. Welcome wherever you are in your journey as a space to calibrate to what lights you up from the inside/out. required: strap, recommended: block

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - Have block, will travel - 7/8/2023

    Episode 3

    A vinyasa class to help you flow forward to your next adventure. We all encounter road blocks in life. This sequence requires a block to strengthen and center as well as soften edges and release gripping. Enjoy the journey! required: 1 block, recommended 1 strap

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - Roots and Rebound - 6/6/2023

    Episode 4

    A class to help you place roots that align with where you are now. Sometimes you need to prune and re-seed what you want to grow. A flow to move out some old clutter and make room for expansion. recommended: strap and block.

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia -Release and Renew- 7/11/2023

    Episode 5

    Move, breathe, and create space to renew your energy. The class will help you flow through what you need to clear blocks and open pathways for clarity and connection. Required: blanket or towel, recommended: block

  • 60 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/ Mia - 06/14/2023

    Episode 6

    Flow, breathe, and create strength & ease with Mia.

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - Avidya and Fresh Perspective - 7/13/2023

    Episode 7

    We all can get lost in the spin of Avidya, which means ignorance. This Klesha (obstacle) is a helpful reminder to untangle what is holding you back and thread in new inspiration to support you on the adventure of life. Staying humble and looking inward goes a long way in creating outer change. re...

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - Expansive Soul Flow - 7/15/2023

    Episode 8

    Saturday soul flow. take some time to breathe, let it be, and receive. When you give yourself time and space to clear the channels and tune into your body, inspiration arrives. needed: 2 blocks and a strap.

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - Rhythm and Flow - 7/20/2023

    Episode 9

    We go through many cycles of change in life. This twisting sequence helps you tune into your inner world so you can honor the rhythm of your outer world. Learning to listen to the cues of your body is key to trusting your inner knowing. recommended: strap and block

  • 75min vinyasa flow level 2/3 w Mia Spread Your Wings- 7/18/23

    Episode 10

    This sequence breaks down the parts you need to take flight in Crow pose. Sthira Sukham Asanam is a sutra that is woven into this class to help you find a stable and spacious connection to each pose. Spread your wings and and feel the expansiveness when you bring your mind, body, and heart togeth...

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/ Mia - 7/22/24

    Episode 11

    A flow to challenge your body, mind, and heart to release patterns of lack and create conditions that allow love to grow. Change the rules of the past and be present with what speaks to your heart. required: one block, recommended: strap

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - Santosha with Splits - 7/25/2023

    Episode 12

    Moving toward full splits (Hanumanasana) can be a daunting journey. We take this slow and practice Santosha (cultivating Joy through acceptance and contentment) with what shows up on the mat. Finding your version of this pose and practicing contentment goes far beyond the stretch of your hamstrin...

  • Vinyasa Flow 2-3 with Mia 75 min - Wheels Keep Turning - 7/27/23

    Episode 13

    Samskaras are patterns that can spin you in a circle because they are familiar. They are like spinning our wheels in ruts going nowhere. This class focuses on the pelvic and thoracic wheels to help get you into the drivers seat and set course for new exciting roads.

  • Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/ Mia 75 min 7/30/23

    Episode 14

    A sequence to quiet the whirling of the mind and listen to the wind of your breath. Taking time to commune with what is unfolding in each moment can be a challenge, and when you do the tension softens and new energy moves you forward. recommended: 2 blocks and a strap

  • 60 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - Holding Your Center - 7/28/2023

    Episode 15

    A sequence to help you connect with your physical and energetic core. Your center is a powerhouse of information and wisdom. Take some time to hold space and center yourself in what inspires you. recommended: block and strap

  • Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/ Mia 75 min - 8/1/23

    Episode 16

    Full moons reflect what has been manifested during the past cycle. Feeling the wisdom of your body and what each breath reveals allows space to integrate. Breath is a cycle we align with to bring your mind, heart, and body into presence. Freedom resides here. Be here now. recommended: blanket, block

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - FREE/D/OM - 8/3/2023

    Episode 17

    A sequence to liberate where you hold resistance in your body so new strength can be cultivated. What we resist, persists, so it is helpful to go toward it and allow the tension to soften so new life can emerge. Holding poses is a helpful pathway to holding what you need to expand. Feeling free i...

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - Refresh, Reset, Relax - 8/15/2023

    Episode 18

    A full body flow to strengthen, refresh, and reset. You will move through a well rounded sequence to bring you toward relaxation. ;)

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - Hips, Hamstrings, and Twists - 8/17/2023

    Episode 19

    Hips, hamstrings, and twists are all asanas that help you feel more open in your body. Integrating Satya (truth) in each pose helps you find that sweet spot so you can flow through your day/night with more ease. recommended: 2 blocks and strap

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - Aparigraha for a Generous Flow - 8/18/2023

    Episode 20

    60 minute flow to create physical, mental, emotional space and feel your personal flow. Aparigraha, a Yama, means to not covet or grasp. When you practice with this awareness there is no need to force poses, you can feel your generous spirit infused in each posture. Creativity lives here. recomme...

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - Shoulder Space - 8/19/2023

    Episode 21

    A class to open and create space in your shoulder.s Many of us live above the neck and it is the gateway down into the rest of your body. This sequence makes some space to breathe and drop in with more ease. Needed: a strap or towel for shoulder flossing.

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - Tune Into Your Inner Call - 8/22/2023

    Episode 22

    Life is full of change and the inner critic can trash your call to the next right move for your heart. Quiet the conditioned mind and create conditions that help you tune into your inner guidance.

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - Twist it out - 8/24/2023

    Episode 23

    A well-rounded sequence to help you connect your inner call. In a world that moves fast, we twist and move here to the rhythm of your breath and heart. recommended: block and strap

  • 60 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - Energize your Flow - 8/25/2023

    Episode 24

    A flow to release expectations and tune into the energy of what you need NOW. required: strap and recommended: block