• 30 min Gentle Flow to Unwind and Rele...

  • Introduction to Yoga for Stress Relie...

    This 4-part series emphasizes gentle yoga practices and mindfulness techniques to promote relaxation, release tension, and restore balance. Each class offers a unique experience, incorporating gentle movements, breathwork, restorative postures, meditation, and yoga nidra. These cumulative practic...

  • Fiery Core Strengthening Flow w/ Ashley

    Ignite your energy! This class is designed to enhance the connection between your breath and movement, with a special focus on engaging and fortifying your core. After a gentle warm-up, this practice with Ashley explores different variations of boat pose and dives into plenty of planks and forear...

  • 30 min Cultivate Inner Harmony w/ Ash...

    Join Ashley for a transformative practice of pranayama (breath work) and meditation, as she delves into the art of cultivating inner harmony and finding balance. Through specific breathing techniques and meditation practices, we will harmonize the body, mind, and spirit, supporting the detoxifica...

  • 30 min Restorative Yoga to Rest and L...

    In this class, Ashley will teach the power of surrender and letting go through a mindful Restorative Yoga practice. By using supportive props and gentle, sustained postures, we will encourage deep relaxation and release tension from the body and mind. Drawing inspiration from the Wise Woman tradi...

  • 30 min Yin Yoga to Nourish Yourself w...

    Join Ashley for a nourishing Yin Yoga practice designed to cultivate inner radiance and promote deep relaxation. Through long-held poses and gentle stretching, we will focus on supporting the body's detoxification pathways while embracing the wisdom of the Wise Woman tradition. This class will en...

  • 40 min Gentle Detox Flow w/ Ashley - ...

    In this class, Ashley will focus on gentle movements and breathwork to awaken vital energy and stimulate the body's natural detoxification processes. Emphasizing the Wise Woman tradition, this class promotes overall well-being by encouraging the circulation of prana, supporting the release of tox...

  • Introduction to Nourish and Release: ...

    Nourish and Release: Gentle Detox Yoga with Ashley is a 4-part yoga series that combines detoxification principles and the Wise Woman tradition. Each class focuses on nourishing the body and supporting toxin release through gentle yoga practices, without the need for intense workouts, restrictive...

  • 30 min Breathe in Gratitude Flow w/ A...

    Join Ashley in this nurturing practice and breathe in gratitude, creating a space to appreciate and find contentment in every breath and everything in your life.

    In this feel-good yoga flow class, Ashley invites you to appreciate what you already have and feel grateful for your life as it is. In...

  • Intro to Mindful Backbends: Create Sp...

    Learn the essential teachings of Wheel Pose, also known as Urdvha Dhanurasana, and develop a solid foundation for your backbend practice. In this yoga series, Ashley teaches specific aspects of back-bending that release tension in the hips, engage the core, open the chest, lengthen the spine, and...

  • 60 min Wheel Pose Flow w/ Ashley - Cl...

    This 60-minute class is the final practice of Ashley's Mindful Backbends Series. It integrates the essential teachings of Wheel Pose, also known as Urdvha Dhanurasana, from the entire series into one class. By participating in this class, you will develop a solid foundation for your backbend prac...

  • 20 min Cervical Wheel and Shoulder Gi...

    Join Ashley in this 20-minute flow, the third part of her Mindful Backbends Series, as she continues to prepare your body for Wheel Pose. In this practice, Ashley builds on the previous sessions and focuses on proper shoulder alignment and mobility to best prepare for the invigorating backbend at...

  • 20 min Thoracic Wheel Flow w/ Ashley ...

    This 20-minute flow is the second part of Ashley's Mindful Backbends Series, where she continues to prepare your body for the final flow that culminates in Urdvha Dhanurasana. The focus remains on core strength, critical key actions for maintaining length in the lumbar spine, while moving into bi...

  • 20 min Pelvic Wheel Flow w/ Ashley - ...

    Join Ashley in this 20-minute flow, the first part of her Mindful Backbends Series, as she systematically prepares your body for Wheel Pose, also known as Urdvha Dhanurasana. This practice focuses on the lower body, releasing and opening the hips while strengthening the back body. Ashley teaches ...