• 45 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Si...

    Build up your single-leg balance confidence with this thoughtful and progressive practice! Recommended props: 1 ball, 1 chair, 1 or 2 blocks.

  • 45 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Ne...

    Release tension in your neck, hips, and your overall body and mind with this slow-paced, thoughtful class. Get your post-holiday stress relief on. Recommended props: 2 balls, 1 block, 1 chair, 1 blanket.

  • 45 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Sh...

    Explore the versatility, strength, and health of your shoulders in this thoughtful and fun class! Recommended props: 1 block, 1 ball, 1 blanket, 1 chair.

  • 45 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Ac...

    Active movement in the hips + myofascial release + gentle stretches = the best recipe for your hips :) Recommended props: 1 chair,1 strap, 1 block, 1 ball.

  • Welcome to Self-Myofascial Release!

    Meet Elena and get an intro to this program including: how to use these classes, recommended props, and other considerations!

  • 20 min Elbows & Wrists w/ Elena

    Unwind tension in your arms, elbows, and wrists using SMR and gentle movement. Recommended props: 1 ball, 1 chair.

  • 20 min Shoulders & Neck w/ Elena

    Unwind tension in your shoulders and neck with SMR and gentle movement. Recommended props: 2 balls, 1 block.

  • 20 min Spine & Core w/ Elena

    Unwind tension in your spine and core with SMR and gentle movement. Recommended props: 2 balls, 1 block, 1 blanket. Optional prop: 1 chair.

  • 20 min Hips, Hip Flexors & Quads w/ E...

    Unwind tension in your hips, hip flexors, and quads with SMR and gentle movement. Recommended props: 2 balls, 1 blanket, 2 blocks.

  • 20 min Hamstrings & Adductors w/ Elena

    Unwind tension in your hamstrings and inner thighs with SMR and gentle movement. Recommended props: 2 balls, 1 block, 1 chair, 1 blanket. *Note: Elena says "quads" at start of class but meant to say adductors!

  • 20 min Feet & Calves w/ Elena

    Unwind tension in your feet, ankles, and calves using SMR and gentle movements. Recomended props: 1 ball, 1 block, 1 blanket.

  • 20 min Light Your Way Home w/ Elena

    Join Elena for a thoughtful practice focused on exploring recovery, softness, and mobility. This class is all about embracing the gentler side of our inner fire and its place in our journey. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket.

  • 45 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - A ...

    Wake up the body and mind with a gentle, rhythmic practice. The first half of class is flowing, easy movement followed by stillness and softness, ending with simple breathwork to get your mind and body ready, focused, and calm. Recommended props: 1 chair, 1 block, 1 blanket.

  • 45 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Ea...

    This no frills practice is perfect if you carry tension/discomfort/soreness in your shoulders and neck. We start from the secret foundation (the ribcage!) and make our way up. Recommended props: 1 chair, 1 ball, wall space, 1 block, 1 blanket.

  • 45 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Sp...

    Release tension and create stability and freedom for your spine in this thoughtful class. Recommended props: 1 block, 2 balls, 1 blanket, 1 chair.

  • 45 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Ne...

    Do you carry tension in your neck and shoulders? This is the class for you! This practice gets into neck/shoulder/ribcage and even a little bit of work for the jaw/ears. Yeah you read that right, YOUR EARS! Recommended props: 1 chair, 1 block, 1 strap.

  • Welcome to Strong and Healthy Low Back!

    Meet Elena and get an introduction to this program including: how best utilize these classes, props, and other considerations.

  • 3-2: 30 min Make it Fun w/ Elena

    A big part of movement is making it fun and incorporating variety! This class is about tuning into the resiliency and intelligence of your spine and core. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket/towel.

  • 3-1: 30 min Make it Functional w/ Elena

    Take what you've learned in the prior weeks into standing postures and single leg balance, things we incorporate into our every day lives! Props: 1 block, 1 blanket/towel.

  • 2-2: 20 min Cultivating Mobility w/ E...

    This class utilizes myofascial release, gentle movement, and nerve flossing to create adequate mobility for your spine and hips.

  • 2-1: 20 min Creating Stability w/ Elena

    This practice invites a continued awareness around spinal strength and stability through movements in tabletop and on your back. Props: 1 blanket/towel, 1 block.

  • 1-2: 20 min Building Foundations w/ E...

    Build awareness around your core and spine connection in this practice. This class uses mindful movement and gentle engagement so your spine has a strong foundation for movement. Recommended props: 1 block/1 blanket.

  • 1-1: 20 min Gentle Awareness w/ Elena

    Set the stage for a healthy spine with this class focused on bringing awareness to your spine and neighboring regions. This class utilizes gentle movement and breathwork to ease tension. Props: 1 blanket/towel.

  • 45 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - My...

    Mindfully work from head to toe using self-massage (self-myofascial release) to unwind tension in your body and mind! Props: 1 block, 1 blanket, 1 ball, 1 chair.