Elena Cheung

Elena Cheung

3 Seasons

Elena is a Seattle-based movement specialist, certified Yoga Medicine Therapeutic Specialist, and yoga teacher whose mission is to empower individuals in their movement practice. She's studied anatomy and the biomechanics of yoga under internationally acclaimed teachers such as Tiffany Cruikshank, Richelle Ricard, and Jules Mitchell in an endeavor to understand the intricate beauty of the human body. Her classes combine a healthy dose of intricate details, playfulness, and the balancing of effort and ease. Her aim is to create a diverse and inclusive community through authentic connection, engagement, and collaboration where yoga meets the modern, digital world. When not in the studio or doing yoga-related stuff, Elena enjoys long walks with her dogs, time with loved ones, terrible reality TV, and cooking really, really delicious tonkatsu curry.

Elena Cheung
  • 45 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Another Day, The Same Hamstrings 8/17/23

    Episode 1

    This practice has a few minutes of neuroplasticity work followed by SMR and active movement for deep hip stabilizers and hamstrings. Recommended props: 2 balls, 1 chair, 1 blanket, 1 strap.

  • 45 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - The Power of SMR 8/19/23

    Episode 2

    Join Elena in a therapeutics practice geared toward self-myofascial release (self-massage). This class starts with 3 minutes of neurogenesis work, followed by gentle, rhythmic active movement, finishing with some of Elena's favorite ways to use SMR. Recommended props: 1 ball, 1 block, 1 blanket.

  • 45 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Soft Hips and Hams 8/22/23

    Episode 3

    Unwind tension in your hips and hamstrings with this therapeutic practice geared towards recovery and softness. This practice begins with 3 minutes of neurogenesis work, followed by carefully chosen movements and postures to target the lower body. Recommended props: 1 chair, 1 block, 1 blanket, 1...

  • 45 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Reset Your Spine 8/24/23

    Episode 4

    Join Elena in a practice designed to hit reset on your spine (like they do at the chiropractors office but without all the cracky cracky). This class moves through thoracic rotation, opening, self-myofascial release, gentle hip movements, and spinal waves. Recommended props: 1 chair, 1 blanket, 1...

  • 45 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Shoulders, Neck, the Weenus 8/26/23

    Episode 5

    This class is all about easing tension and creating freedom in the shoulders, neck, arms, and the weenus (you'll have to take class to find out what that is). Recommended props: 1 chair, 1 block, 1 blanket.

  • 60 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Hands and Feet 8/29/23

    Episode 6

    Reduce tension and tightness through your whole body via specific work on the hands and feet. Fun fact: Your feet (and hands) are where you most articulate with the earth! So their proper functioning is imperative for how force moves through the rest of your body. This class starts with 3 minutes...

  • 45 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Spine & Shoulders 9/2/23

    Episode 7

    Got a spine? Got shoulders? Take this class to unwind tension in the upper body! Recommended props: 2 balls, 1 chair, 1 block.

  • 60 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Classic Hips & Hammies 9/5/23

    Episode 8

    Reduce tension in your hips and hammies with this carefully curated class designed to promote circulation, range of motion, and to reduce stiffness. Recommended props: 2 balls, 1 chair, 1 strap, 1 blanket.

  • 60 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Shoulders and Neck 9/7/23

    Episode 9

    Give your upper body a gentle reset in this practice. We start with active work, followed by self-myofascial release, and gentle unwinding and stretches. Recommended props: 2 balls, 1 chair, 1 blanket, 1 block.

  • 45 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Digestive System Reset 9/9/23

    Episode 10

    Unwind deep-seated tension in your digestive system AND nervous system with this slow & gentle practice. This class uses twists, side bends, self-myofascial release, and other gentle movement to give TLC to your abdomen. Recommended props: 1 chair, 1 blanket, 1 block.

  • 60 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Happy Spines For Life 9/12/23

    Episode 11

    Keep your spine happy by moving your whole body! This class is all about supporting spinal health by addressing multiple regions: ankles, hips, and your ribs. Recommended props: 2 balls, 1 blanket, 1 block, 1 chair.

  • 45 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Get Your Neck Right 9/16/23

    Episode 12

    Reduce tension and create ease in your upper body in this thoughtfully sequenced class focused specifically on your neck and shoulders. Recommended props: 2 balls, 1 chair, 1 block.

  • 60 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Hammies/Psoas 9/14/23

    Episode 13

    Give TLC to your hamstrings and hip flexors in this class. This practice uses SMR, gentle stretches, and active movement to best access ease in the lower body. Recommended props: 2 balls, 1 chair, 1 block, 1 strap!

  • 60 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Spine and Psoas 9/19/23

    Episode 14

    Ease tension in your spine and psoas in this mindfully curated practice! Recommended props: 1 chair, 1 block, 1 blanket.

  • 60 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Mind/Body Unwind 9/21/23

    Episode 15

    Feeling tense? Stressed? This class is all about gently unwinding tension in the body and nervous system. Recommended props: 1 chair, 2 blocks, 1 blanket.

  • 45 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Myofascial Release Party 9/23/23

    Episode 16

    Mindfully work from head to toe using self-massage (self-myofascial release) to unwind tension in your body and mind! Props: 1 block, 1 blanket, 1 ball, 1 chair.

  • 60 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Single Leg Balance is Fun 9/26/23

    Episode 17

    Single leg balance work! Starting with some foot massage (SMR), gentle core work, culminating in single leg balance fun times and nervous system reset. Recommended props: 1 chair, 1 ball, 1 block.

  • 45 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Neck/Shoulders Redeux 9/30/23

    Episode 18

    Do you carry tension in your neck and shoulders? This is the class for you! This practice gets into neck/shoulder/ribcage and even a little bit of work for the jaw/ears. Yeah you read that right, YOUR EARS! Recommended props: 1 chair, 1 block, 1 strap.

  • 60 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Hips/Hamstrings Check-In 9/28/23

    Episode 19

    Give a little check-in and reset to your lower body in a thoughtful way utilizing active movements, self-myofascial release, and passive stretching. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 ball, 1 strap, 1 chair.

  • 60 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Spine & Shoulders 10/3/23

    Episode 20

    Do a deep clean on your spine and shoulder joints with this thoughtful, slowly-paced practice. Recommended props: 1 chair, 1 blanket, 1 block.

  • 45 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Spine Time 10/21/23

    Episode 21

    Release tension and create stability and freedom for your spine in this thoughtful class. Recommended props: 1 block, 2 balls, 1 blanket, 1 chair.

  • 60 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Classic Hips/Hams 10/24/23

    Episode 22

    Hit the classics in this hips and hamstrings focused class. This practice combines movement, passive stretches and nerve flossing. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket, 1 chair, 1 strap.

  • 60 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Nuances of the Core 10/26/23

    Episode 23

    Core stability is the cornerstone of a happy, healthy spine (and the rest of your body). This class explores the nuances and 3D nature of the core! Recommended props: 2 balls, 1 blanket, 1 block, 1 chair.

  • 45 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Eat Yo Veggies: Shoulders/Neck 10/28/23

    Episode 24

    This no frills practice is perfect if you carry tension/discomfort/soreness in your shoulders and neck. We start from the secret foundation (the ribcage!) and make our way up. Recommended props: 1 chair, 1 ball, wall space, 1 block, 1 blanket.