Patti Quintero
110 Episodes
Patti Quintero, M.A, E-RYT, has taught yoga since 1998. Her teaching style is born out of her training in Ashtanga and Iyengar Yoga, focusing on postural alignment and the fluidity between body and breath. Patti’s challenging yet compassionate approach, encourages students to move mindfully through the landscape of postures into a space of stillness and clarity.
29:06Episode 1
30 minute Quick Postnatal Recharge
Episode 1
Get moving again after pregnancy in this beginner postnatal yoga class. Be sure to try the entire Postnatal Online Yoga Journey SerieS. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket, 1 bolster
34:14Episode 2
35 min Short Daily Flow w/ Patti
Episode 2
A well rounded flow yoga class that builds heat, strength and flexibility for when you don't have much time.
Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket, 1 strap
1:01:20Episode 3
60 minute Intermediate Flow
Episode 3
Strengthen your body, improve flexibility and feel replenished and relaxed. Recommended props: 1 block
45:32Episode 4
45 minute Twister Flow
Episode 4
A well rounded detox yoga flow class with lots of twists. Be sure to explore our Detox Yoga journey series. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket
1:05:11Episode 5
60 minutes Open Those Hips
Episode 5
An advanced class focusing on hip openers that leads to flying pigeon. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 strap
22:16Episode 6
20 minute Pelvic Floor
Episode 6
Begin to integrate core and pelvic floor work into your practice after having delivered. Take the entire Postnatal Online Yoga Journey SerieS. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket, 1 strap
28:35Episode 7
30 minute Core Flow
Episode 7
This sequence is designed to build core strength and stabilization while creating a lot of heat, movement and proper range of motion. Want more core? Check out our Yoga for a Stronger Core journey series. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket
59:51Episode 8
60 min Advanced Twists w/ Patti
Episode 8
Build heat and create a rythmic flow of breath to detoxify your entire body in this advanced detox yoga class. You can also explore our entire Yoga for Detox journey series. Recommended props: 1 block
15:37Episode 9
15 minute Upper Body Blast w/ Patti
Episode 9
Strengthen all the upper body muscles that help to stabilize you throughout your yoga practice. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 strap
23:26Episode 10
20 minute Lower Body Blast
Episode 10
Increase flexibility throughout your lower body while keeping the muscles strong and active.
56:51Episode 11
60 minute Energize Flow
Episode 11
Energize your body, encourage vitality and feel strong and ready to conquer your day. Recommended props: 2 blocks
22:12Episode 12
20 minute Flow and Stretch
Episode 12
Build a lot of heat, circulation and flexibility with sun salutations, and then relax with some nice hip and hamstring openers with this intermediate yoga sequence. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket
28:37Episode 13
30 min Quick Detox Flow w/ Patti
Episode 13
This quick 30-minute detox sequence is all about cleansing your system and getting those toxins out.
Recommended props: 2 blocks
1:05:01Episode 14
60 minute Exhilarating Backbends
Episode 14
Strengthen your spine and exhilarate your body and mind in this well rounded backbend practice. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 strap
11:33Episode 15
10 minute Bakasana Prep
Episode 15
Build the upper body and core strength you need to fly gracefully into crow pose. Did you know we have an entire Journey to Learn Bakasana? Recommended props: 2 blocks
38:48Episode 16
45 minute Well Balanced Invigorating Flow
Episode 16
This is a quick, challenging sequence that will leave you feeling balanced, invigorated and replenished. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket
27:47Episode 17
30 minute Upper Body Flow
Episode 17
Strengthen all of your upper body muscles including the shoulders, biceps, triceps and deltoids. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket
47:59Episode 18
Flow to Twisting Crow
Episode 18
Prepare to fly into the fun arm balance twisting crow in this sequence that focuses on the upper body, core and twisting poses.
Recommended props: 1 block
45:12Episode 19
45 minute Flow Burner
Episode 19
This well rounded sequence includes hip openers, twists, backbends and a little bit of arm balancing. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket
18:40Episode 20
20 minute Postnatal Stretch
Episode 20
Stretch out your upper back, hips, hamstrings, chest and neck so you feel refreshed and renewed in this postnatal yoga sequence. Check out the entire Postnatal Online Yoga journey series. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket, 1 bolster
12:50Episode 21
15 minute Postnatal Restore
Episode 21
This beginner postnatal yoga sequence relaxes and restores your body and relieves the tightness that comes after pregnancy and labor. Be sure to try the whole Postnatal Online Yoga Journey. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket, 1 bolster
09:52Episode 22
10 minute Chaturanga Tutorial
Episode 22
Build upper body strength while protecting your shoulders, elbows, wrists and back. Recommended props: 1 block
13:20Episode 23
15 minute Vasisthasana Breakdown
Episode 23
Be sure you're practicing vasisthasana, or side plank, properly so you can get the most out of the pose.
42:35Episode 24
45 minute Backbend Prep
Episode 24
It's all about preparing for backbends like upward facing bow and camel pose in this fun advanced yoga sequence. Recommended props: 2 blocks