• Heart Opening Flow For Self-Love w/ A...

    Cultivate a strong sense of self-love and acceptance through a heart-opening flow designed to nurture yourself. This class incorporates gentle flowing sequences, restorative poses, and affirmations that open the heart, encouraging self-care, self-acceptance, and a deeper connection to the wisdom ...

  • Welcome to Healing Heart Openers w/ A...

    Healing Heart Openers is a 6-part series that focuses on opening and expanding the heart center through dynamic yoga practices. Each class with Ashley is 20 minutes long and dedicated to a unique heart-opening experience, promoting emotional healing, gratitude, self-love, forgiveness, connection ...

  • 60 Min Yogaworks w/ Ashley - Slower S...

    Join Ashley for a slow and stretchy, yet powerful yoga class that will leave you feeling connected and limitless in your potential.

  • 45 Min Yogaworks 1-2 w/ Ashley Gentle...

    Join Ashley for a yoga class that is both gentle and powerful, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Begin this practice with reclined work on the floor, gradually progressing with gentle movements into a few standing poses. These elements are designed to help you develop strength, flexi...

  • 60 Min Yogaworks w/ Ashley Calm Deep ...

    Restore deep calm with Ashley through breathwork and intentional movement.

  • 20 min Complete Chakra Activation w/ ...

    In this final class, we will integrate all the previous chakra activations into a practice that unifies the journey and leaves you feeling connected to each powerful energetic center. The class incorporates movement throughout and concludes with a meditation that activates and balances the chakra...

  • 15 min Heart Chakra Activation w/ Ashley

    Open your heart and cultivate love and compassion with a practice that focuses on the heart chakra. This practice combines movement, meditation, visualization, breathwork, and mantra to balance and activate the heart chakra, promoting emotional healing and deepening connections.

  • 15 min Crown Chakra Activation w/ Ashley

    Connect to the divine and expand your consciousness through a practice that emphasizes the crown chakra. Utilize movement, meditation, visualization, breathwork, and mantra to balance and activate the crown chakra, fostering spiritual growth and enlightenment.

  • 15 min Third Eye Chakra Activation w/...

    Awaken your intuition and inner wisdom by focusing on the third eye chakra. This practice incorporates movement, meditation, visualization, breathwork, and mantra to balance and activate the third eye chakra, resulting in improved insight and clarity.

  • 15 min Solar Plexus Chakra Activation...

    Ignite your personal power and confidence by practicing techniques that focus on the solar plexus chakra. Through movement, meditation, visualization, breathwork, and mantra, you can balance and activate the solar plexus chakra to enhance self-esteem and empowerment.

  • 15 min Sacral Chakra Activation w/ As...

    Dive into the creative and emotional energy of the sacral chakra. This guided practice will help you cultivate a harmonious flow of emotions, creativity, and sensuality through movement, meditation, visualization, breathwork, and mantra.

  • 15 min Root Chakra Activation w/ Ashley

    Ground and stabilize your energy by practicing techniques that focus on the root chakra. Use movement, meditation, visualization, breathwork, and mantra to balance and activate the root chakra, creating a sense of security and stability.

  • Introduction to Chakra Activation w/ ...

    The Chakra Activation program is an 8-part series that aims to balance and harmonize the body's energy centers, known as chakras. Each class is dedicated to a specific chakra, from the root to the crown, and consists of eight 15-minute practices. These practices incorporate movement, meditation, ...

  • 30 min Return to Yourself w/ Ashley

    This practice is designed to help you reconnect with yourself by checking in physically, mentally, and emotionally. By reclaiming your baseline and acknowledging any changes in your well-being, you can let go of what no longer serves you and nurture what does, truly caring for yourself. This gent...

  • 60 Min YogaWorks w/ Ashley- Complete ...

    This class is specifically designed to focus on opening the hips. This flow has a relaxed feel that vacillates between movement and still ness to allow you to surrender into deeper stretches and relaxation toward the end of practice.

  • 60 Min Vinyasa Flow w/ Ashley- Core-C...

    Center your body, mind and heart in this practice with Ashley that closes with a relaxed meditation, that clears and empowers you.

  • 45 Min Yogaworks 1-2 w/ Ashley- Cente...

    Center your body, mind and heart in this practice with Ashley.

  • 60 Min YogaWorks w/ Ashley- The Essen...

    This yoga practice covers all the essentials and will leave you feeling well-rounded and at peace. In this class, expect to explore a variety of asanas, including breath work. At the end of the practice, spend time in seated meditation to further deepen your experience and connection to your true...

  • 20 min Flow for a Fresh Start w/ Ashley

    This rejuvenating 20-minute yoga class with Ashley is designed to help you start your day and the new year ahead with a fresh and energized mindset. This practice focuses on opening your entire body to leave you feeling refreshed and ready to call in your intentions for the year ahead.

  • 60 Min YogaWorks w/ Ashley- Breath & ...

    Your breath is your greatest ally. This practice directs your attention to your body and breath, aiding in the development of a deeper awareness and the creation of balanced energy to receive the life-giving energy called prana. Join Ashley on the mat for a steady and fluid practice that effortle...

  • 60 Min Yogaworks w/ Ashley- Practice ...

    Learn more about yourself through yoga. This practice directs your attention to both your body and breath, allowing you to develop greater understanding and compassion for yourself. Pay attention to the sensations, subtleties, and tendencies of your mind, so that you can cultivate a heightened se...

  • 30 Min Yoga Nidra for Deep Ease w/ As...

    Join Ashley for a practice of yoga nidra to experience deep rest and renewed energy. This guided rest brings you state of conscious deep sleep to release physical and mental stress and connect to a feeling of true peace.

  • 20 min Meditation and Pranayama for W...

  • 30 min Restorative Yoga to Let It All...

    Join Ashley for a restorative yoga practice designed to help you let go of stress, quiet your mind, and surrender to a deep state of relaxation. Through the use of supportive props and gentle, restful postures, you will release stress and tension held, allowing yourself to cultivate a sense of ea...