David Kim
3 Seasons
David Kim is a Senior YogaWorks and Yin Yoga Teacher Trainer, who leads trainings, workshops, and yoga events all over the world. David’s thoughtful, challenging classes employ creative sequencing, precise instruction, and a philosophical attitude informed by his Mindfulness meditation practice.
30:12Episode 1
30 minute Yoga Vitamins
Episode 1
Get your yoga vitamins with this clean, classic YogaWorks style flow that will get your energy up, your breath going, and your body all warmed up. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket, 1 strap
52:12Episode 2
60 minute Yin Yang Energy Balance
Episode 2
Yin yoga is all about surrender and letting your muscles relax, and yang yoga is more like your typical vinyasa flow class. When combined they compliment each other and balance out your energy. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket
24:34Episode 3
30 minute Fit Flow
Episode 3
Build strength in the upper body and stabilize the shoulder joint. Recommended props: 1 block
1:17:27Episode 4
75 minute Yang-Yin: Fire and Earth
Episode 4
Enjoy this balance of Yang'stronger vinyasa style practice'and Yin'longer passive holds'in this fun full-length practice. Recommended props: one block, one blanket
35:48Episode 5
35 min Get Flexy w/ David
Episode 5
This yoga sequence focuses on improving your flexibility.
Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket, 1 strap
30:14Episode 6
30 minute Core Strengthener
Episode 6
Focus on your deep abdominals to improve your posture and stabilize your lower back in this 30 minute yoga class. Recommended props: 1 blanket
1:15:31Episode 7
75 minute Balance Flow
Episode 7
This well rounded flow will leave you with a sense of steadiness and balance. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket
51:17Episode 8
45 min Hips and Twisting Flow w/ David
Episode 8
This intermediate yoga sequence focuses on hip openers and twists. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket
50:32Episode 9
60 minute Go Flow w/ David
Episode 9
Have fun working hard in this strong and fast moving advanced yoga flow class! Recommended props: 1 blanket
50:05Episode 10
45 minute Look Ma No Hands!
Episode 10
You can still do a challenging yoga class without putting pressure on your wrists! This practice is ideal for those who have shoulder and/or wrist injuries. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket
60 minute Ardha Chandrasana with Chapasana
Episode 11
Work up to ardha chandrasana and chapasana through this advanced series of hip openers and backbends. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket
54:13Episode 12
60 minute Bakasana Flow #2
Episode 12
This intermediate yoga sequence will warm you up for the fun and challenging arm balance bakasana 2. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket
57:30Episode 13
60 min Inversion Prep w/ David
Episode 13
Work on opening and strengthening your shoulders for a healthy inversion practice. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket, 1 strap
47:47Episode 14
45 minute Mayurasana
Episode 14
Work towards the fun arm balance mayurasana, which requires a lot of core stability. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket
12:05Episode 15
10 minute Airplane Yoga
Episode 15
Keep your body mobilized and stretched during a long flight with some first class yoga (even if you're in an economy seat)! Recommended props: 1 chair
24:10Episode 16
30 minute Flow Joe AM Pick Me Up
Episode 16
Try Flow Joe instead of a Cup of Joe in the morning to wake up your body, breath and energy.
22:22Episode 17
30 minute Tricky Transitions - Arm Balances
Episode 17
Work on the tricky transition between arm balances ashtavakrasana and eka pada koundinyasana in this advanced yoga tutorial.
08:27Episode 18
10 minute Abdominal Awakening
Episode 18
Wake up your belly muscles whether you only have a few minutes, or want to warm up for a longer practice. Check out another core video in our Yoga for a Stronger Core journey series.
45:26Episode 19
45 minute Hamstring Helpers
Episode 19
This flow class is all about opening the hamstrings. Not warming up the hamstrings adequately can cause the lower back to flatten in certain poses leading to weakness in the lower back over time. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket
21:04Episode 20
20 minute Flowing Heart
Episode 20
Warm up your spine, stretch your front body, strengthen the muscles that extend your spine, and wake up your abs in this short backbend flow.
51:33Episode 21
45 minute Metabolic Blast
Episode 21
This sequence is designed to boost your metabolism and move your body quickly in a wide range of motion. Recommended props: 1 block
44:04Episode 22
45 minute Waist Not, Want Not
Episode 22
Lengthen and strengthen the torso with a lot of side bends, twists and core. Recommended props: 1 blanket
41:29Episode 23
45 minute Fly, Pigeon, Fly
Episode 23
Open up your hips, strengthen your core and get into flying pigeon. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 strap
18:16Episode 24
15 minute Morning Flow
Episode 24
This is the perfect practice for when you've just woken up and need a quick flow to get your blood pumping and to clear out the morning cobwebs. Recommended props: 1 blanket