

Unravel your ultimate wellness journey with our eclectic series – from yoga to Pilates and more!

  • Intro to BodyWorks

    5 items

    Embark on a transformative fitness journey with a series of dynamic classes designed to cover every facet of physical well-being.

    These sessions are meticulously crafted to offer a holistic introduction to fitness, focusing on strength, flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, and heightened body...

  • Intro to Vinyasa Flow

    6 items

    This series is for anyone interested in learning the fundamental poses and transitions regularly found in vinyasa flow classes!

    Jesse breaks down sun salutations, and ujjayi breath, and offers variations and modifications. Once you are done with this series you will be able to pop into any Viny...

  • Intro to Yoga Nidra

    8 items

    Create a new habit with a variety of guided practices for deep rest. This well-researched method is said to support healing from a number of maladies, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, and insomnia. In this series, Tamika has broken down Yoga Nidra into easy to follow steps. Ending with a full...

  • Intermediate & Advanced Pilates

    8 items

    Ready to elevate your Pilates practice? This 8-part series is designed just for you! Throughout the course, you'll engage in an advanced Pilates routine that targets your full body, shoulders, core, and more. Expect to feel both challenged and inspired as you follow Georgia's encouraging cues and...

  • Journey to Birth

    8 items

    In these nurturing sessions, you'll find a sanctuary where you can connect with your changing body and growing baby in a safe and loving environment. Through a blend of gentle yoga poses, soothing breathing exercises, and mindful meditations, you'll cultivate strength, flexibility, and inner peac...

  • Let's Get Sculpted!

    6 items

    Grab your weights and let's get stronger! This full body series combines strength, endurance and cardio using a variety of equipment, including dumbbells and resistance bands.

    Tracy will help you build a strong foundation in order for you to continually achieve results. Her knowledge of the bod...

  • Level Up Your Practice

    8 items

    Ready to level up your practice? This series is for you! Challenge yourself with classes that push your limits and boost your progress. Feel stronger, more in tune with your body, and activate muscles you never knew you had. Get ready to feel empowered!

  • Meditations & Movements for Love

    5 items

    Can we truly feel healthy and devoted to our wellness journey if there isn't love in our lives?

    Opening our hearts does not require romantic connection, but instead begins with loving ourselves.

    From the place of self-love, we can truly begin to cultivate and pour this sweet nectar of the hea...

  • Mindful Backbends: Create Space and Stability in Wheel Pose

    1 season

    Learn the essential teachings of Wheel Pose, also known as Urdvha Dhanurasana, and develop a solid foundation for your backbend practice.

    In this series, Ashley teaches specific aspects of back-bending that release tension in the hips, engage the core, open the chest, lengthen the spine, and st...

  • Morning Yoga

    5 items

    Welcome to the Morning Yoga Series, an all-levels series designed to help you start your day off right. In this series you will explore different ways to care for yourself before you tend to your to-do list.

    Join Gustavo Padron as he guides you through four intentionally curated classes designed...

  • Movement for Mental Wellness

    5 items

    When life gets overwhelming, and you need some me-time for both body and mind, this series is your sanctuary. Every class is thoughtfully designed to ground you, offering space from the chaos that can consume your thoughts. Whether you're in the mood for an energetic sweat session or a soothing m...

  • Navigating Movement at Any Age

    1 season

    Join Jesse and Tracy in this special class series that explores options for moving well at any age.

    Yoga and Functional Fitness work together like a well balanced meal. Time to ditch the excuses and get out of your own way when it comes to movement.

    It's not just yoga and it's not just fitnes...

  • New Year Jumpstart

    7 items

    Join us for an exhilarating journey into a new year! Experience the expert instruction that defines YogaWorks in this captivating seven-part series.

    Get ready to explore various styles of yoga and fitness, including Vinyasa, Hatha, Pilates, and YogaWorks' signature yoga style.

    Each practice c...

  • Nourish & Sculpt

    5 items

    What better way to start fresh in the new year than to revisit your approach to nutrition and fitness.

    This series will provide a holistic approach to wellness by combining essential nutrition knowledge with effective and diverse core workouts as the core is the powerhouse from which all moveme...

  • Pause & Breathe: 5 Days of Breathwork

    7 items

    This breathwork series is designed to accommodate yogis at every level.

    Over the course of the next five days, you will engage in practices that have the capacity to soothe your mind and rejuvenate your central nervous system, ultimately leading to a profound sense of relaxation and ease.


  • Pick Me Up

    5 items

    If you're looking for emotional support and well-being for challenging times, you're in the right place.

    These practices are for anyone seeking a gentle yet powerful emotional pick-me-up at any time.

    You'll mindfully explore yoga poses, breathwork, and meditation curated to alleviate stress a...

  • Pilates & Barre Boosts

    5 items

    Looking to strengthen your core and firm up those glutes? Look no further! Our efficient Pilates and Barre inspired workouts are just what you need to feel sculpted and toned in no time.

  • Postnatal Journey

    5 items

    In these sessions, you'll find solace and renewal as you reconnect with your body, mind, and spirit after childbirth. Through a blend of gentle yoga sequences, restorative poses, and mindful breathing techniques, you'll gently ease tension, rebuild core strength, and cultivate a sense of inner calm.

  • Rest & Digest Resets

    4 items

    Join Jillian for a short practice series into the “anatomy” of rest and digest and work with stress and relaxation through practices that focus on the psoas, diaphragm, and vagus nerve.

    In this series, we’ll explore how well-being is not only a top down (brain to body) game, but more importantly...

  • Restore and Recover

    1 season

    Even the most active people need recovery. Modern exercise science confirms the need for regular off-days and even an off-season for the most elite athletes. This is the perfect series to help you rest and restore your body and mind. It is a blend of mobility, gentle stretching, meditation, and b...

  • Self Myofascial Release

    6 items

    Discover the ultimate self-care journey through self-myofascial release (aka self-massage). Perfect for beginners and experienced yoga students alike, these classes help relieve tension and create freedom around the joints.

    These curated classes are designed to target individual areas of the bo...

  • Slow is Strong

    5 items

    Welcome to this series designed to help you get strong on multiple levels.

    The poses will all be fairly straight forward and each class will warm up with some movement, but ultimately, these practices are about holding poses.

    When we maintain a consistent effort while training the mind to sta...

  • Spring Awakening

    5 items

    Awaken to the spirit of spring in this uplifting 4-part yoga series. Each 30-minute class will be dedicated to cultivating a sense of renewal, growth, and rejuvenation, aligning with the energy of the spring equinox to move you into the season. The practices will guide you in embracing new beginn...

  • Strong and Healthy Low Back

    7 items

    Find relief and promote ease with our Strong and Healthy Low Back series.

    These curated classes are designed to mindfully move you out of low back tightness and discomfort so you feel strong, mobile, and ready for life!

    Classes include gentle mobilizations, stretches, breathwork, and movement...