• 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - 2 Degree...

    Are you willing to back off just 2 degrees to get curious about the space that's available? Sometimes getting caught up in going to maximum sensation can remove the opportunity to sense the quiet feedback from the body. Tamika guides you to hone the mind body connection more deeply with this prac...

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Yin for ...

    Finding yourself feeling pushed and pulled in various directions? In this practice, Tamika guides longer transitions to feel into the residue after the long held poses and the balancing affect after.

    2 blocks, strap
    all levels

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Love & H...

    One of the tenets of yoga philosophy is that everything we're looking for may be found by turning inward. Enjoy this contemplative practice of heart-opening shapes and others that balance them to come into deep self-love, awareness, and support.

    Props: bolster, blanket, block
    All levels

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Calm the...

    Amidst the stress of life, yoga philosophy says to calm and master the mind. How? Lean into this mastery as Tamika guides you through long held challenging floor based shapes.

    Props: blanket and/or pair of socks, 2 blocks
    All levels

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Space fo...

    Tamika delivers a long slow delicious practice with shapes held longer than usual to create space for contemplation and expansion.

    Props: yoga strap, 2 blocks, a bolster could be helpful

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Winter L...

    In another long, slow, delicious practice, Tamika offers space for contemplation and depth of experience in shapes that are generally held for 5 minutes or longer (with a few exceptions).

    Props: 2 blocks, bolster, a strap is useful
    All levels

    Suggested playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlis...

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Slow dow...

    Wintertime is a time to turn inward and nourish oneself, yet the culture will push us. Take time to slow down with Tamika in this nourishing practice for whenever you need a reset.

    All levels
    Props: 2 blocks, blanket

  • 40 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Yin for ...

    In this shorter practice, Tamika guides you to find balance in the body that, hopefully, helps you find balance off the mat, too.

    All levels
    2 blocks, bolster

  • 45 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Earth | ...

    Beginnings and endings can cause a sense of upendedness. In this class, Tamika jumps right into practice to help you reset, find grounding, and connect to your inner teacher.

    All levels
    Props: Wall, strap, blocks

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Let it G...

    Sometimes we just need a little space held for us. Tamika guides you through a practice using a strap to create containment and a sense of being supported. Grab your strap, put on your favorite playlist and fully let go for a while.

    Prop: strap, 2 blocks.

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Expand w...

    How do you do something different, think differently, create change if there's no support? In this class,Tamika guides you through a series of shapes and intentions to tap into the support within you.

    Props: yoga strap, bolster or two blocks
    All levels, intermediate

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Yin for ...

    Yoga is skill in action. Tamika guides you through shapes and breath work with long transitions to more skillfully move beyond moments of difficulty.

    Props: 2 blocks or a bolster
    All levels

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Yoga for...

    Our quest for the Yoga of Care meets Veterans Day. Tamika guides you through a practice of successive progressions and regressions to gradually open the body for full balance, deep self care, and release.

    Props: 2 blocks and/or a bolster
    All levels

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Mental M...

    How do you meet moments of challenge? Tamika guides you through a practice of expanded awareness and mental mastery through the exploration deep Yin shapes.

    Props: bolster or 2 blocks
    All levels

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Resilien...

    Leverage the principles of Yin -- finding your edge, sitting in stillness, and staying for time -- to cultivate resilience, nonattachment, and surrender. Tamika guides you through a practice of deep self awareness, presence and embodiment in the continued exploration of the Yoga of Clarity -- the...

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Yin for ...

    Yoga is skill in action. (BG) Action your tools to meet the all of the moments that create deep challenge for us. Rather than focusing on loads and compression, Tamika guides a practice focused on expansiveness in long gooey familiar shapes. This is another classed themed to the Four Yogas -- The...

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Nourish ...

    In times of deep challenge, craft space in the body and the mind for calm. Tamika guides a practice stimulating energetic lines in the body that correlate to deep nourishment.

    All levels,
    2 blocks

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/41BrnbOM4cw2KJFtCUZd8K?si=142622e5dab54d96 (start at t...

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika-Spaces bet...

    What is a barrier to entry to your best self? Sometimes it's resisting the juice that's found in the liminal spaces. In this balancing practice, Tamika guides you into shapes that stress the body, then offer time to notice the spaces between the poses for breath and release.

    All levels
    Props: 2 ...

  • 60 min.Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Add some ...

    Late Summer energetics in Yin Yoga are correlated to grounding and Earth-oriented practices according to Five Element Theory. In this class, Tamika adds a bit of Fire element energetics to add a spark to what can be a bit of a malaise. This practice is great for any time you're feeling stuck and ...

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Big Supe...

    Yoga creates a state of yoga. If that state isn't being created, is it yoga that we're doing? Tamika encourages you to use the wall and other props as support in moving into a state of harmony alongside challenge.

    This practice is helpful for low back sensitivity and days of fatigue.

    Props: wal...

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Embrace ...

    In this practice in which most poses are held for 5 minutes, embrace the rebound -- the residue of the postures after the release. This practice has long held poses with gooey transitions. You are encouraged to listen to. your body to back off or dive deeper as you feel compelled.

    Those with tig...

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Bring fo...

    Guided on a New Moon, Tamika invites you befriend the invisible, as some invisible things are awesome, like the breath, like the flow of energy after a deep compression. Be with yourself and owe nothing to anyone else in this practice of deep listening, feeling, and embodiment.

    All levels

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Your har...

    Feel into the grounding and quiet within, especially when everything around is not that. Settle into your practice and let everything stop with this long-held, slow, and deliberate practice by Tamika.

    Props: 2 blocks, strap (if possible otherwise a wall), bolster or blanket
    All levels

    Playlist ...

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Yoga phi...

    Leverage the pillars of yoga: self study, contentment, and surrender to experience the layers of the self (body, energy, mind, observer). Tamika guides a practice of long held postures and breath awareness to gain mastery of the mind and staying in that awareness for a while.

    Props: blanket, blo...