07:31Episode 1
10 minute Wake Up Call
Episode 1
Wake up, get your blood moving, and invigorate yourself with this short morning sequence that's perfect for when you don't have time to go to class, but want to move your body. Recommended props: 2 blocks
18:16Episode 2
15 minute Morning Flow
Episode 2
This is the perfect practice for when you've just woken up and need a quick flow to get your blood pumping and to clear out the morning cobwebs. Recommended props: 1 blanket
15 min - Morning Stretch - w/Jesse - Easy like Sunday Morning - 4/30/2023
Episode 3
This class opens ya up a little bit everywhere. It's active stretching. We do hips, hamstrings, shoulders, psoas, inner thighs, spine and neck. GREAT way to start your active day. Also a great warm up for the party flow one hour class right after it.
16:10Episode 4
15 minute Wake Me Up Before You Go Go
Episode 4
Get moving and ready for your day with this high-energy flow class for your morning. Recommended props: 1 block
14:18Episode 5
15 minute Happy Healthy Hips
Episode 5
Focus on the outer hips and glutes in this short and sweet hip opening sequence. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket
04:31Episode 6
5 minute Shoulder & Neck Release
Episode 6
Release your neck and shoulders, areas that can get very tight with stress, sitting in cars and/or in front of a computer. Recommended props: 1 chair
15 min - Morning Stretch - w/Jesse - Wake the Body Up - 5/7/23
Episode 7
Wake up with a beautiful stretch to start your Sunday a fun day!
10 min Morning Stretch w/ Gustavo - Easy Peasy - 05/05/2023
Episode 8
Make space for all you are attracting with this short and easy morning stretch that incorporates side bends, thread the needle and a yummy quad stretch.
10 min Morning Stretch w/ Gustavo - Seated Stretches - 05/08/2023
Episode 9
Start your day with this short and sweet seated sequence that incorporates hip opening, hamstring stretching, spine mobility and a yummy neck stretch.
15 min Morning Stretch w/ Becky - Qigong Inspired Stretch - 05/02/2023
Episode 10
Begin standing with Qigong inspirsed movements to warm up circulation. Stretch your Quadrtrus Laborum (QLs) in the lower back, open up your shoulders and spine, and stretch your hips and hamstrings!
15 minute Morning Stretch w/ Becky - Functional Full Body
Episode 11
Stretch your shoulders, hips, side body, and spine to feel fresh for the day!
10 min Morning Stretch w/ Gustavo - Start Your Day with Intention - 05/10/2023
Episode 12
Set an intention for how you want to start your day as you wake up your body with gentle heart openers, side bends, and lunges.
15 minute Morning Stretch w/ Becky - Open the front body
Episode 13
If you sit at a desk all day, this is the stretch for you! Stretch your hip flexors, open your chest, and stabilize your spine.
15 min Morning Stretch w/ Becky- Stretch in a Chair - 5/11/2023
Episode 14
Chair bound? Injured? This 15 minute practice is for you! Enjoy some shoulder opening, modified classic "standing" postures, and cultivate gratitude for what you CAN do!
10 minute We Have Got To Open Our Hamstrings
Episode 15
When your hamstrings are tight, everything else starts to tighten as well.Feel better and help reverse the damage that's been done with this short class. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 strap
11:02Episode 16
10 minute Supine Stretch w/ Jessica
Episode 16
Lie down on your back and relax with this soothing stretch class you will let you unwind after a long day or ease into your morning. Recommended props: 1 strap 1 block
17:16Episode 17
20 minute Use the Wall
Episode 17
See your yoga practice in a new light when you use the wall to give your body feedback. Recommended props: 1 block
10 min Morning Stretch w/ Gustavo - Ready, Set, Stretch! - 5/15/2023
Episode 18
Ready, set, stretch, a 10 minute morning stretch to help you start your day feeling good!
10 min Morning Stretch w/ Gustavo - Supine Stretches - 5/17/2023
Episode 19
This 10 minute morning stretch on your back will leave you feeling ready to take on the day.
11:32Episode 20
10 minute Quick AM Pick Me Up
Episode 20
This quick sequence of mostly sun salutes will wake you up and get you ready for your day.
17:58Episode 21
15 minute From Sleep to Standing
Episode 21
Roll right out of bed and onto your mat with this sequence that gently wakes your body up for the day ahead.
10:53Episode 22
10 min Deep Stretch w/ Bree
Episode 22
Go deep with this short and gentle stretch including reclining twists, hip openers, and a hamstring release. Recommended props: a block and a strap.
11:44Episode 23
10 minute Stretch and Connect
Episode 23
Move through gentle and delicious stretches that will leave you feeling revived and replenished. Recommended props: 1 blanket
15 min All Levels Stretch w/Jesse "Open the Body" 6/11/23
Episode 24
PT 9:00 AM- CT 11:00 AM - ET 12:00 PM
Lengthen, stretch, and expand with Jesse!