• 60 min Gentle Yin & Restorative w/ As...

    This deeply relaxing and restorative practice that focuses on silence, side body opening, and hip release. Ashley will guide you through a series of long-held, passive poses designed to target the often-neglected side body and hip areas. The emphasis on silence throughout the practice will encour...

  • 60 Min Gentle Yin & Restorative w/ As...

    This gentle practice that emphasizes the principle of "less is more," focusing on a few carefully selected poses held for longer durations. This approach allows for deeper relaxation and more profound opening of the body through passive stretching that release in connective tissues and joints. By...

  • 60 min Gentle Yin & Restorative w/ As...

    Melt away stress and tension like honey in this soothing practice that will bring you into gentle, long-held poses that target deep connective tissues and promote relaxation. Expect to use props to support your body as you ease into each posture, allowing for deep release and restoration.

  • 60 min Gentle Yin & Restorative w/ As...

    This class focuses on slow, deep stretches and restorative poses that allow you to relax fully and release tension. With the help of props like bolsters, blankets, and blocks, you'll be guided through poses that promote deep relaxation and rejuvenation. This practice is perfect for anyone looking...

  • 60 min Gentle Yin & Restorative w/ As...

    Reset and release in this restorative practice focused on hip opening and twist variations that will leave you feeling refreshed when you step away from the mat.

  • 60 min Gentle Yin & Restorative w/ As...

    This restorative practice is spent mostly lying down while exploring various postures that focus on opening and releasing tension held in the hips.

  • 60 min Gentle Yin & Restorative w/ As...

    Engage in a restorative-styled practice where you can connect with your breath to become quieter and more relaxed. Enjoy the numerous benefits that come from calming both the body and mind, and resting thoroughly. Props recommend: Strap, Blocks, Blankets, and Bolsters.

  • 60 min Gentle Yin & Restorative w/ As...

    Drop into a space of stillness in silence to reset. This practice explore various hip, front and back body opening to leave you feeling clear minded and totally reset. Props recommended: 2 Blocks, Bolster, Blanket and Strap.

  • 60 min Gentle Yin & Restorative w/ As...

    This yoga practice starts with a reclined side body opening, gradually transitioning into neck and spinal release. It prepares you for extended holds designed to loosen the hips and unwind spinal tension. You'll need a bolster for this class.

  • 60 min Gentle Yin & Restorative w/ As...

    In this gentle practice with Ashley, allow space for breath and energy to return to all parts of your body. This will leave you feeling more replenished and centered. For this class, you'll need a bolster, a strap, a blanket, and two blocks.