Alexandria Crow
2 Seasons
Alexandria is an internationally respected teachers’ teacher who leads teacher trainings and workshops around the world. As a former competitive gymnast, the physical challenges of a rigorous and highly technical yoga practice initially provided Alex with a natural familiarity, but it was yoga’s philosophical concepts and their application to one’s life that were and still remain her driving interest beyond the physical technique of asana.
09:18Episode 1
10 minute Paschimottonasana Tutorial
Episode 1
Demystify paschimottonasana, or seated forward bend, which calms the mind and stretches the hamstrings. Recommended props: 1 strap, 1 blanket
10:43Episode 2
10 minute Vira 3 Tutorial
Episode 2
Practice Warrior 3 with proper alignment so you can get the most out of this challenging pose. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 strap
06:07Episode 3
5 minute Gomukhasana Tutorial
Episode 3
Learn to correctly practice gomukhasana, a pose that will stretch your hips, ankles and thighs and feels particularly good after externally rotated poses such as triangle and warrior 2. Recommended props: 1 blanket
12:29Episode 4
10 minute Twisting Triangle Tutorial
Episode 4
Demystify twisting triangle by looking at all of the components you need to do it well. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 strap
05:56Episode 5
5 minute Uttanasana Tutorial
Episode 5
In this tutorial you'll practice Uttanasana, or standing forward bend, a few different ways to find what works best for your body.
07:34Episode 6
10 minute Double Pigeon Tutorial
Episode 6
Practice some safe hip opening poses so you can learn how to correctly practice the hip opener double pigeon. Recommended props: 1 blanket
25:18Episode 7
30 minute Drop Backs
Episode 7
Work on dropping back from standing to urdhva dhanurasana, or upward facing bow, and then back up to standing.
29:20Episode 8
30 minute Bhujapidasana
Episode 8
Work on bhujipidasana, which is one of the easier arm balances to get off the ground and balance in. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket
34:15Episode 9
30 minute Flying Pigeon Flow
Episode 9
Work up to flying pigeon with special attention on the transition into it's full expression. Recommended props: 1 block
12:21Episode 10
10 minute For Teachers - Shoulderstand
Episode 10
Learn how to safely teach shoulderstand so you can protect your students necks. Recommended props: 1 blanket, 1 strap
08:15Episode 11
10 minute For Teachers - Headstand
Episode 11
Learn how to recognize when students are ready to go up into headstand, as well as how to teach it safely. Recommended props: 1 block
19:38Episode 12
20 minute Yoga for Men - Crow Pose
Episode 12
Look like a master yogi when you nail the arm balance bakasana, or crow pose, in this beginners class designed with men in mind. Recommended props: 2 blocks
16:54Episode 13
15 minute To Pigeon or Not to Pigeon
Episode 13
Learn about pigeon pose and how to do it safely within your body's limits. Recommended props: 1 blanket
35:44Episode 14
30 minute Advanced Flow Give Up the Wall
Episode 14
Learn how to do handstand away from this wall in this challenging class. Recommended props: 3 blocks, 1 blanket
14:46Episode 15
15 minute Psoas 101
Episode 15
Learn about the psoas and how it affects your practice so you can be mindful of how it impacts your body. Recommended props: 1 block
04:25Episode 16
5 minute Learn Dolphin Pose
Episode 16
Work on dolphin pose, which is a great shoulder opener that can prep you for inversions.
24:19Episode 17
30 minute Titibasana/Firefly
Episode 17
This sequence combines neutral and external standing poses and leads to titibasana/firefly. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket
12:52Episode 18
15 minute Pincha Mayurasana
Episode 18
In this sequence you will practice shoulder openers leading to forearm stand. Explore our entire Journey to Handstand and Pincha. Recommended props: stool or chair, 1 block, 1 strap
09:38Episode 19
10 minute How to Jump Forward
Episode 19
In this brief yoga sequence you will work on jumping through your arms to seated. Recommended props: 2 blocks
16:19Episode 20
15 minute Grasshopper
Episode 20
A short sequence leading up to grasshopper. Recommended props: 1 blanket
09:41Episode 21
10 minute How to Jump Back
Episode 21
In this brief yoga sequence you will practice jumping back with grace and ease. Recommended props: 2 blocks
26:08Episode 22
30 minute Scorpion
Episode 22
Work on getting into scorpion pose in pincha mayurasana, which is both an inversion and a backbend. Recommended props: 1 strap
16:30Episode 23
15 minute Urdhva Dhanurasana
Episode 23
In this yoga sequence you will learn to practice upward facing bow safely and get the greatest benefits of the pose. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 strap
24:20Episode 24
30 minute Vasisthasana B
Episode 24
This yoga sequence focuses on your hamstrings and core and leads to Vasisthasana B.