Mia Togo

Mia Togo

2 Seasons

Mia Togo is a senior teacher, teacher trainer, and mentor at Yoga Works, where she teaches both in-person and online. Her background in psychology and life coaching has helped her students understand their fears and follow their callings. She creates a safe and supportive space for her students to explore their truth and honor what comes up for them, rather than push it away. Her teaching encourages a mindful and loving approach to yoga practice.

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Mia Togo
  • 60 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - Winter Solstice Flow - 12/22/2023

    Episode 1

    The Winter Solstice is a turning point in the seasons and an auspicious time to turn inward. Every season has a gift of insight and learning. The shadow work of yoga helps you make your patterns (Samskaras) conscious to illuminate what needs shedding for new life to root and grow. recommended: st...

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - Heart and Flow - 12/19/2023

    Episode 2

    Take a time out and attune to what your heart and soul need to keep your body in relationship with the truth of what is showing up today. recommended: block and strap

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - Imagination and Intuition - 12/16/2023

    Episode 3

    Tune into your imagination and intuition with this Ajna Chakra themed flow. Your third eye Center connects to higher consciousness that can see beyond the imprints of programmed thinking. Clearing space for limited beliefs to release, allows creative downloads to be received. recommended: strap, ...

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - Building Bridges - 12/12/2023

    Episode 4

    It's easier to build walls than bridges. One separates, the other connects. This flow helps you build bridges within and connect to what bring supports your life. recommended: block and strap

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - Compassion With Your Critic - 12/14/2023

    Episode 5

    Call your Self onto your mat and check in with your body, mind, and heart. Sometimes the mind swirls and spins, settle into your breath and give yourself some space and grace to BE with what is.

  • 60 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - Our Triggers Are Teachers - 12/15/2023

    Episode 6

    The yoga mat is a mirror that reflects what our body, mind, and heart needs to feel seen and heard. When we get triggered, it pulls us from responding consciously. When we deepen our ability to be with challenging sensations that arise, we broaden our capacity hold ourselves with compassion and k...

  • 60 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - Release Expectations and Flow with Ease - 12/8/2023

    Episode 7

    Release expectations and a need to know how it will go, allow your practice to show you where to flow! This is a portal to being present and acceptance.
    recommended: block and strap

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - The Force Within You - 12/5/2023

    Episode 8

    A 75 minute class to attune to your essence and find your flow. When you set an intention for class, it is not about doing, it is about connecting to your life force! recommended: block and strap.

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - Space to Breathe and BE - 12/2/2023

    Episode 9

    Take some space to move, breathe, and flow. Life is chaotic at times, this class will help you drop into the space you need to connect and center for whatever cycle of life you are in. recommended: strap and block

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - The Stories We Live - 11/28/2023

    Episode 10

    Feel the fear and do it anyway. Your stories are the spine of your unique life. They can help or hinder your growth depending on your relationship with them. This is a flow to align with your strong spine and soft front and honor the chapter that you are in right now. The strong spine of your boo...

  • 60 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - Navigating Change - 12/1/2023

    Episode 11

    PT 8:15 AM - CT 10:15 AM - ET 11:15 AM
    Flow, breathe, and create strength & ease with Mia.

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - Feel it All Friday - 11/24/2023

    Episode 12

    Friday is a transition from the week into your weekend. Take some time to release any stress and feel what your heart and soul needs to enjoy your weekend. When you feel the fullness of living each moment, life is full of inspiration. recommended: block and strap.

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - Perception and Presence in the Poses - 11/25/2023

    Episode 13

    Yoga is a practice that helps you elevate your consciousness. It is a gateway to align with your body, breath, and inner world. When you take some time to shift your perception inward, how you see reality shifts too. In a world transforming, it is important to clear your lens of perception so you...

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - Grounded In Gratitude - 11/23/2023

    Episode 14

    Gratitude is a feeling that helps you accept the place in which you stand. Life serves up all kinds of lessons, when you are generous with your self there is more room to learn, grow, and expand. recommended: strap and block

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - Pause and Respond - 11/21/2023

    Episode 15

    A flow to pause and reflect on the space you have to respond rather than react. Conflict is part of navigating life and when we are more generous with how we show up for ourselves, we are more spacious in communicating with others, even when we disagree. Peace is an inside job. recommended: block...

  • 60 min Vinyasa Flow 2/3 w/ Mia - Sacral Chakra Flow - 5/12/2023

    Episode 16

    This wheel of energy connects to your relationship with your creative life force. Pleasure and and enjoying your body can be challenged by the noise of external forces. When you create space to release old paradigms and tune into your inner source you flow forward in life with more freedom. Recom...

  • 75 minute Vinyasa Flow 2/3 w/ Mia - Strength and Santosha - 5/6/2023

    Episode 17

    This strong and steady flow creates space for inner strength. Life is full of challenges. Santosha is one of the Niyamas that reminds us to find Joy even through the grit. Growth is not linear, having a spiritual context for living gives us space to accept what is showing up for our expansion.

  • 75 min level 2/3 vinyasa flow w/ Mia - Connecting your Inner Compass - 5/11/2023

    Episode 18

    The class is a well rounded flow that gives you time and space to tune into your inner compass. There are a lot of distractions in the world that throw us off center and sometimes into confusion. This is a space to connect to your inner guide. The class starts off a little bumpy. Par for the cour...

  • 75 minute Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/ Mia - Core Connection - 5/3/2023

    Episode 19

    This class focuses on your physical and energetic core to connect to inner strength. Uncertainty can spin us into confusion. When we breathe and feel the guidance of our inner knowing we feel at home and connected to our center.
    recommended to have a strap and block.

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow 2/3 w/Mia - Flying Birds - 5/9/2023

    Episode 20

    Arm balances can be daunting. This class helps you connect to the component parts of Bakasana and Eka Pada Galavasana so you feel supported to fly. It doesn't matter if the pose works out, it is about the journey and giving space for your wings to spread.
    recommended: 2 blocks

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow 2/3 w/Mia - Steady and Spacious practice - 5/2/23

    Episode 21

    A steady and well rounded flow themed around Sthira Sukham Asanam.
    recommended props: strap and a block

  • 75 min Vinyasa 2/3 with Mia - No mud, No lotus - 5/13/2023

    Episode 22

    When we hold onto tight from fear and lack, we hold ourselves back. This strong practice creates space to open physically, mentally, and emotionally into the muddy parts of life and grow our authentic voice. Recommended 2 blocks and a strap.

  • LIVE: Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/ Mia (Thu)

    Episode 23

    A flow practice to help you strengthen what needs some support and soften what overworks. This is where you cultivate inner and outer balance. recommended: block and strap

  • 60 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/ Mia "Strength & Ease" 5/19/23

    Episode 24

    Flow, breathe, and create strength & ease with Mia. This strong and steady sequence leads to forearm balance. 2 blocks and a strap recommended.