Vytas Baskauskas

Vytas Baskauskas

3 Seasons
4K badge

Vytas Baskauskas, with 25 years of experience, has established himself as a leading figure in bringing modern yoga to the mainstream. He takes a functional and technical approach to a classic methodology, which has helped numerous students around the world achieve tangible results. His expertise has made him a highly sought-after teacher.

Vytas Baskauskas
  • 30 min All Levels Vinyasa w/ Vytas - Balance, Core & More 7/21/23

    Episode 1

    Short, fun and full of challenging moments. Balancing is done with our vestibular system and this class aims to help it adapt to some interesting situations. Breathe. Move. Enjoy.

  • 60 min Vinyasa 2 w/ Vytas - The Vytas Blend 7/23/23

    Episode 2

    Over 20 years of teaching, Vytas has developed a distinct blend of power, vinyasa, core, mobility and more. This class is an excellent example of this. It is a well rounded offering that weaves seamlessly through various elements of the practice. Enjoy!

  • 45 min Vinyasa 2 w/ Vytas - Easy Start To The Week 7/24/23

    Episode 3

    Monday morning starts off pretty gentle and sweet. Of course we eventually get to some challenging stuff, but it's nice to begin slow sometimes. Enjoy this well rounded practice with a strong core sequence.

  • 45 min Vinyasa 2 w/ Vytas - Heart Openers 7/26/23

    Episode 4

    The perfect antidote for being hunched over and absorbed by technology. Join Vytas for a chest broadening, spinal awakening and shoulder expanding experience.

  • 30 min All Levels Vinyasa w/ Vytas - Feel Good Friday 7/28/23

    Episode 5

    A moderate 30 min well-rounded vinyasa class. Not too many standing poses, but some good warm-up sequences and a bit of core and planks. Enjoy!

  • 60 min Vinyasa 2 w/ Vytas - Core And More... 7/30/23

    Episode 6

    We begin with a strong supine core sequence, then move through sun salutations, and then, in classic Vytas style, return to the floor to repeat the same challenging core poses once more. Afterward some hip mobility, standing poses and lovely cool down.

  • 45 min Vinyasa 2 w/ Vytas - Multi-Modal Monday 7/31/23

    Episode 7

    A blend of classical yoga poses, mobility, core strength and subtle shifts. This Monday practice, although not quite as challenging for strength, will bring the feel good variety you need to start the week.

  • 45 min Vinyasa 2 w/ Vytas - Strong Back & Front 8/2/23

    Episode 8

    After beginning with some posterior chain strength, this class counters it with lots of anterior core and a solid standing sequence. Be prepared to work hard!

  • 30 min All Levels Vinyasa w/ Vytas - Challenging Breathwork, Easy Flow 8/4/23

    Episode 9

    This class begins with some powerful pranayama which, although a bit uncomfortable, will make you feel fantastic. After that, Vytas leads you through a very simple and easy Friday flow. Not much strength, but lots of softness and ease.

  • 60 min Vinyasa 2 w/ Vytas - The Good Stuff 8/6/23

    Episode 10

    This class begins with some new and interesting breathwork before diving into the physical plane with plenty of core, hip strength, standing poses and more. Enjoy!

  • 60 min Vinyasa 2 w/ Vytas - Same Same & Different 8/13/23

    Episode 11

    This class flows through many of the poses you're accustomed to but then, during the core sequence, takes some of the contralateral versions and turns them into ipsilateral. Fancy movement terms for 'hard'. Enjoy!

  • 45 min Vinyasa 2 w/ Vytas - Mobility, Salutations & Core 8/14/23

    Episode 12

    The perfect class for a Monday; well rounded and with no stone left unturned. Every part of the body gets some love in today's practice, mostly with mobility work. Not many standing poses, but you'll still be challenged and finish feeling great.

  • 45 min Vinyasa 2 w/ Vytas - Hippy Love 8/16/23

    Episode 13

    This class focuses mostly on the lower body and hip complex. A nice easy beginning leads to some strong standing poses. Enjoy Vytas' blend of classic yoga postures and modern mobility.

  • 30 min All Levels Vinyasa w/ Vytas - Aspirational Strength 8/18/23

    Episode 14

    Today, "All Levels" means that this class will be challenging for everyone. No matter how strong you think your core is, give this a shot and see how well you do. Always make sure to only push only to your edge, never past it. Two blocks and a mindset of play will be helpful for this one.

  • 60 min Vinyasa 2 w/ Vytas - Some Slides 8/20/23

    Episode 15

    A gentle warm-up leads into some active slide movements. Be sure to have a low friction set up so that you can glide on your floor. The slides are an excellent way to prep for the standing poses, so you should feel strong in them for this class. A few plank variations round out the active poses, ...

  • 45 min Vinyasa 2 w/ Vytas - Monday Kick Off 8/21/23

    Episode 16

    The perfect eclectic blend of things you need to start the week. A little flow here, some mobility there, with a bunch of core peppered in. Enjoy this Monday morning beauty.

  • 30 min All Levels Vinyasa - Recovery with a Twist 8/25/23

    Episode 17

    The idea was for this to be an easier class, but with the peak pose as twisting triangle, there was no way that was going to happen. Enjoy a well thought out, slowly paced 30 min practice.

  • 60 min Vinyasa 2 w/ Vytas - Simple Power Flow 8/27/23

    Episode 18

    Although we begin with 15 minutes of full body mobility work, this class moves into a very strong but simple sequence of poses. A few good longs holds and focused alignment will leave you feeling phenomenal. Enjoy.

  • 45 min Vinyasa 2 w/ Vytas - Easy Monday 8/28/23

    Episode 19

    Class begins and ends with breathwork. In between there is a well rounded offering of supine, standing and seated poses. Enjoy!

  • 45 min Vinyasa 2 w/ Vytas - Midweek Strong 9/6/23

    Episode 20

    Enjoy this slow but steady build toward heat with plank variations, supine core and handstand. There aren't many standing poses, but the legs and hips get some good love too.

  • 45 min Vinyasa 2 w/ Vytas - Side Body 9/11/23

    Episode 21

    Side Stretching. Side Strengthening. And a whole bunch of other good stuff to make it an all around gem. Enjoy your practice!

  • 45 min Vinyasa 2 w/ Vytas - Midweek Medley 9/13/23

    Episode 22

    This well-rounded class gives you a little bit of everything... and more. Enjoy some hip flexor stretching, a long core sequence, standing poses and backbends.

  • 60 min Vinyasa 2 w/ Vytas - Standing Strong 9/17/23

    Episode 23

    This class starts with standing poses and stays with them! Lots of good leg strength and hip work. Of course we also add planks, core, and other things to make it well rounded. Finish with a long hip stretch and short meditation. Very sweet indeed.

  • 60 min Vinyasa 2 w/ Vytas - Yang Yin 9/24/23

    Episode 24

    A strong first two thirds of class yields to a sweet final 20 minutes of seated and supine long easy holds. Enjoy stepping on the gas but then taking your foot off it completely.