Master the fundamentals of specific poses and transitions with these short tutorials.
5 min Ashta Vakrasana
Focus on learning the fundamentals of ashta vakrasana so you can approach it safely and with confidence.
5 minute Knee Survival for Yoga Warriors
Learn proper alignment for your warrior poses so you can take care of your knees and practice more strongly and safely. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 2 blankets
5 minute We Need to Talk About Your Yoga Mat
Learn about what to look for in a mat so that it can help you practice safely and comfortably.
5 minute What Goes Wrong In Vira 3
Illuminate the trouble areas for vira 3 so you can bring more integrity to this challenging pose. Recommended props: 2 blocks
5 minute Using Your Hands Well for Practice
Learn how to properly place your hands in poses so you can be safe and strong in your practice.
5 minute The Not So Comfortable Seat
Find out the proper way to practice sukhasana and learn about what can go wrong in this deceptively challenging pose. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 2 blankets
5 minute Wheel Your Backbends
Learn how to use your pelvic wheel and thoracic wheel to get the most out of your backbends.
5 minute Find Your Bird of Paradise
Practice different variations of this challenging standing pose that will open your hips, strengthen your back and core and lengthen your hamstrings. Recommended props: 1 strap
5 minute Learn Bakasana
Learn how to safely do bakasana'crow pose'so that you can take flight. Recommended props: 1 block
5 minute Yoga Hands
Learn how to work your hands in your yoga practice, which is especially important when it comes to weight bearing poses such as downward facing dog, upward facing dog, plank, handstands and arm balances.
5 minute Dolphin to Headstand Prep
Learn the steps that are essential for preparing your body for dolphin to headstand. Recommended props: 1 block, 2 straps
5 minute Yogi's Martini
Relax with this practice that will get you into shoulderstand with a chair. Recommended props: 1 chair, 2 blankets
5 minute Urdhva Dhanurasana to Handstand Tutorial
Learn how to transition from urdhva dhanurasana to handstand in this quick tutorial.
5 minute Hyoid King Arthur Clinic
Learn about the yogi's secret weapon 'the hyoid bone' and unlock the lift for your backbends and standing poses. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket, 1 strap
5 minute Flying Pigeon Option Clinic
Learn options to help you on your ascent to flying pigeon that will make the journey fun and rewarding! Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket, 1 strap, 1 chair
5 minute Dandasana & Twisting Foundations
Look at dandasana, or staff pose, as the foundation for all seated twisting. Recommended props: 1 block
5 minute Advanced Bhujapidasana & Titibasana Tutorial w/ Vytas
Can't quite nail bhujapidasana and titibasana? Master these fun arm balances with this short tutorial! Recommended props: 1 block
5 minute Wild Thang
Play with wild thing, or camatkarasana, in this short, fun tutorial.
5 minute Enter The Dragonfly
Practice a long hold of the yin pose, dragonfly, which is very similar to upavistha konasana. Recommended props: 1 block
5 minute Yogi Feet
Whatever is above the knee is effected if something is off in the foot. Get your yogi toes working properly in this quick video that keeps our foundation, the feet, healthy.
5 minute Finding A Comfortable Seat
Learn the best ways to get comfortable for a seated mediation and the different touch points on the body to focus on to facilitate a deep practice. Recommended props: 1 chair, 2blankets
5 min Headless Headstand
Use props to take the pressure off your head in headstand in this quick tutorial. Recommended props: 6 blocks
5 min w/ Ashley Chair Shoulder Stand
Explore options using props that will help make your shoulder stand more accessible and safer. Recommended props: 1 yoga chair, 1 bolster, 2-3 blankets
5 minute Balancing 101
Set up yourself up for success with this tutorial focused on creating balance in your standing poses. Recommended props: 1 block