Master the fundamentals of specific poses and transitions with these short tutorials.
15 minute Back Leg Tutorial
Practice how to use the back leg in your standing poses so you can get the most out of them. Recommended props: 2 blocks
10 minute Patience, Young Grasshopper, Part 2
Follow up part 1 with the full expression of the arm balance, grasshopper pose.
10 minute Patience, Young Grasshopper
Practice the arm balance baby grasshopper, which is a great preparatory pose for grasshopper.
10 minute How to do Bridge
Look at and practice bridge pose, a beneficial backbend that opens the shoulder, chest and spine. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 strap
10 min Practice Dolphin & Pincha
Practice dolphin and pincha mayurasana, or forearm balance, in this tutorial. Check out our Journey to Handstand and Pincha. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 strap
15 minute For Teachers - Seated Poses
Learn how to help your students find space, stay safe and work at the appropriate level when practicing seated poses. Watch another video for aspiring teachers. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket, 1 strap
15 minute Vasisthasana Breakdown
Be sure you're practicing vasisthasana, or side plank, properly so you can get the most out of the pose.
10 minute Chaturanga Tutorial
Build upper body strength while protecting your shoulders, elbows, wrists and back. Recommended props: 1 block
15 minute Upper Body Strength
Proper alignment is key to developing upper body strength in a way that will be safe and effective for the rest of your practice. Recommended props: 2 blocks
10 minute Ashtavakrasana
A short but challenging yoga sequence that leads to an arm balance called ashtavakrasana.
15 minute Grasshopper
A short sequence leading up to grasshopper. Recommended props: 1 blanket
10 minute Kicking Up to Handstand
In this yoga sequence you will work on hopping up to handstand with both legs. Explore our Journey to Handstand and Pincha.
15 minute Urdhva Dhanurasana
In this yoga sequence you will learn to practice upward facing bow safely and get the greatest benefits of the pose. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 strap
10 minute How to Jump Back
In this brief yoga sequence you will practice jumping back with grace and ease. Recommended props: 2 blocks
10 minute How to Jump Forward
In this brief yoga sequence you will work on jumping through your arms to seated. Recommended props: 2 blocks
10 minute How to do Chaturanga
In this tutorial you will break down the yoga pose chaturanga dandasana. Recommended props: 2 blocks
10 minute Back Strengtheners
This is a quick yoga sequence that focuses on strengthening your back.
10 minute How to Handstand
Learn Jesse's favorite actions for the shoulders and pelvic tilt and joyful preparations for handstand! Recommended props: wall space
5 minute Proper Urdhva Dhanurasana
Take a look at some of the common misalignments in urdvha dhanurasana (upward facing bow pose) and learn how to correct them. Recommended props: 2 blocks
5 minute Quick Down Dog Tutorial
Learn how to do one of the most commonly practiced poses in just 3 minutes
5 minute Posture 101
Learn the correct posture and position for all your platforms in tadasana to make sure you take care of your body. Recommended props: 1 block
5 minute Misalignment In Tree
Focus on how tree pose should feel in your body in this quick tutorial.
5 minute Low Back Pain Lecture
Learn to recognize and categorize the basic areas of low back pain and whether they are caused more by sitting or standing.
5 minute Shoulder Lecture
Learn about the different parts of the shoulder and how the interact during internal and external rotation in this short lecture.