Tamika Caston-Miller

Tamika Caston-Miller

5 Seasons

Tamika Caston-Miller is an E-RYT 500 with advanced training in Trauma-Informed Yoga, Somatics, Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, and Yoga Nidra. Her journey has been informed by chronic pain and injuries, social justice, ancestral healing, and compassion. She has studied with some of the most notable names in yoga and considers her work deeply informed by their teachings. Her expertise in yoga philosophy makes her a standout teacher.

Tamika Caston-Miller
  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Contemplative & Heart Opening 2/26/24

    Episode 1

    Enjoy this class whenever you're going through a transition, moving into a new season, or letting something go. Tamika guides you into a contemplative practice of heart opening and gooey transitions.

    The class might be better enjoyed with the playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7rXA0PF0r...

  • 75 min. Yin & Restorative Yoga w/ Tamika - Stress, Rebound, Rest 2/25/24

    Episode 2

    Yin Yoga is all about stressing the body (on purpose). Restorative Yoga is about resting in alignment with awareness (on purpose). Then there is the residue after the shapes... the rebound. Tamika guides you to feel into these distinctions to notice what is on the other side of rest and resilienc...

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Yin for Balance 2/21/24

    Episode 3

    Finding yourself feeling pushed and pulled in various directions? In this practice, Tamika guides longer transitions to feel into the residue after the long held poses and the balancing affect after.

    2 blocks, strap
    all levels

  • 75 min. Yin & Restorative Yoga w/ Tamika - Explore the Edge 2/18/24

    Episode 4

    Explore where the body meets support, where Yin meets Restorative, where you meet your edge in Yin postures, and meet rest in Restorative.

    All levels
    Props: 3-4 blankets, bolster, 2 blocks, eye covering (hand towel)

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Love & Heart Openers 2/14/24

    Episode 5

    One of the tenets of yoga philosophy is that everything we're looking for may be found by turning inward. Enjoy this contemplative practice of heart-opening shapes and others that balance them to come into deep self-love, awareness, and support.

    Props: bolster, blanket, block
    All levels

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Pause, Embody, Be 2/12/24

    Episode 6

    Tamika invites you to show up as you are. To enjoy long shapes, juicy transitions, and opportunities to pause, feel, and be. Maybe you let go of some things. Maybe you let be. Whatever the case, this class is intended to leave you feeling held and supported.

    All levels
    Props: 2 blocks, yoga stra...

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Calm the Mind 2/9/24

    Episode 7

    Amidst the stress of life, yoga philosophy says to calm and master the mind. How? Lean into this mastery as Tamika guides you through long held challenging floor based shapes.

    Props: blanket and/or pair of socks, 2 blocks
    All levels

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Compassion & Care of Self 2/6/24

    Episode 8

    The concept of permaculture is through a lens of permanent culture. What are practices we may sow today that make a long-lasting impact. Tamika guides you through a contemplative practice of shapes that are held for longer than usual to sown seeds of compassion, self examination, and deep self ca...

  • 75 min. Yin & Restorative Yoga w/ Tamika - Deep Self Care 2/4/24

    Episode 9

    As a part of a series elevating self care during Black History Month, Tamika guides a practice that integrates Yin & Restorative shapes in an exploration of stress and release. This practice is especially supportive of those who experience overwhelm, and are space holders in their work or communi...

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Space for Contemplation 1/31/24

    Episode 10

    Tamika delivers a long slow delicious practice with shapes held longer than usual to create space for contemplation and expansion.

    Props: yoga strap, 2 blocks, a bolster could be helpful

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Winter Yin, Do the Minimum 1/29/24

    Episode 11

    In this practice, Tamika leverages the strap and bolster to create a sense of feeling contained and supported so you may nourish yourself deeply in this class focused on winter meridians.

    Props: yoga strap, bolster, blocks
    Recommended playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1H6...

  • 75 min. Yin & Restorative Yoga w/ Tamika - Grounding, Rest & Low Back Love 1/28/24

    Episode 12

    In this long, slow, delicious practice, Tamika guides you into shapes that are especially helpful for low back and stress relief.

    All levels
    Props: 2 blankets, bolster, 2 blocks, eye covering

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Winter Long Slow Delicious Yin 1/24/24

    Episode 13

    In another long, slow, delicious practice, Tamika offers space for contemplation and depth of experience in shapes that are generally held for 5 minutes or longer (with a few exceptions).

    Props: 2 blocks, bolster, a strap is useful
    All levels

    Suggested playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlis...

  • 75 min. Yin & Restorative Yoga w/ Tamika - Meet the Moment 1/21/24

    Episode 14

    Rehearse rest and resilience with Restorative and Yin Yoga. Tamika guides a practice with a variety of support to lean into these moments to restore yourself and reset.

    Props: wall, yoga strap, 2 blankets, 1 block, pillows as desired
    All levels

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Slow down, feel, & reset 1/17/24

    Episode 15

    Wintertime is a time to turn inward and nourish oneself, yet the culture will push us. Take time to slow down with Tamika in this nourishing practice for whenever you need a reset.

    All levels
    Props: 2 blocks, blanket

  • 50 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Liberated body 1/15/24

    Episode 16

    Take care of yourself deeply so that you may create more freedom and spaciousness in your body, mind and spirit.

    All levels
    Props: strap, bolster, 2 blocks

  • 75 min. Yin & Restorative Yoga w/ Tamika - Long shapes, deep rest 1/14/24

    Episode 17

    With Yin & Restorative postures, Tamika guides you into long-held shapes for an exquisite reset.

    All levels
    Props: 4 blankets, bolster, yoga strap, 2 blocks

  • 40 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Yin for Balance 1/10/23

    Episode 18

    In this shorter practice, Tamika guides you to find balance in the body that, hopefully, helps you find balance off the mat, too.

    All levels
    2 blocks, bolster

  • 50 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Cultivate the opposite of darkness 1/8/24

    Episode 19

    Winter, the season, or winter the feeling, can get dark. As we work with the energies of Winter -- kidney and urinary bladder meridians -- it is essential to also cultivate the opposite. Tamika guides a practice to bring you into balance during the darkness of winter or the dark moments of life.

  • 75 min. Yin & Restorative Yoga w/ Tamika - Feel then Rest 1/7/24

    Episode 20

    Enjoy 75 minutes of deep self care with Yin Yoga and Restorative Yoga. Tamika guides you through a practice of contentment, self study, and surrender. Rest and reset.

    Props: 3 blankets, yoga strap, 2 blocks, bolster, eye covering
    All levels

  • 45 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Earth | Root Chakra Practice 1/3/24

    Episode 21

    Beginnings and endings can cause a sense of upendedness. In this class, Tamika jumps right into practice to help you reset, find grounding, and connect to your inner teacher.

    All levels
    Props: Wall, strap, blocks

  • 75 min Yin & Restorative Yoga w/ Tamika New Year's Eve Zen 12.31.23

    Episode 22

    Whether it's the end of the year, the month, or 2023, let it go. Tamika guides you through a series of shapes for rest, resilience, and release.

    Recommended playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6lHhrx1uMeGc7mbHmuTRSJ?si=d62020a13bdf46d4 Start at song before Silent Track
    Props: 4 blankets,...

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Let it Go, Be Held 12/20/23

    Episode 23

    Sometimes we just need a little space held for us. Tamika guides you through a practice using a strap to create containment and a sense of being supported. Grab your strap, put on your favorite playlist and fully let go for a while.

    Prop: strap, 2 blocks.

  • 45 min. Slow Flow w/ Tamika - Ebb & Chaturanga-free Flow 12/19/23

    Episode 24

    Everything around us could be calm or it could be in chaos. When we're in more awareness, possibly with a still mind, we're more able to ebb and flow. Tamika guides you through enjoyable movement to generate flow and joy, just in time for when you need them.

    Props: 2 blocks, strap
    All levels, In...