Melanie Lora Meltzer

Melanie Lora Meltzer

117 Episodes

Melanie began her practice of yoga 29 years ago as a fluke when it was offered as part of her theatre training. Upon graduating from college, Melanie started working behind the desk at Yoga Works so she could practice every day. 2 years after that Maty Ezraty invited her to take the Teacher Training, which she completed with Maty and Lisa Walford several months later. She immediately began subbing at Yoga Works, and within months had her own classes on the schedule. She taught at Yoga Works until summer of 2011, a month before her first child was born. Since then Melanie has taught online classes for Yoga Works and privately in Los Angeles and San Diego, where she now lives with her husband (who she met in Teacher Training) and their 4 children. Melanie is known for her thoughtful approach to alignment and her creative language. She specializes in teaching beginners and lower intermediate students, as she relishes breaking poses down and taking time to investigate the basics in a safe though challenging way.

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Melanie Lora Meltzer
  • 15 minute Savasana

    Episode 1

    Get a deep and complete savasana either at the end of another sequence, or alone simply when you're in need of some deep relaxation.

  • 15 minute For Teachers - Sequencing Instructions

    Episode 2

    When you're sequencing a class you want to build poses in a cohesive way, address any safety issues, and know what pose you're preparing their bodies for. Watch another video for aspiring teachers. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 2 blankets, 1 strap

  • 20 minute Energizing Detox

    Episode 3

    This is a centering and energizing detox yoga sequence that will clear you out. Explore the entire Yoga for Detox journey series. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket

  • 30 minute Greet the Day with Strength & Clarity

    Episode 4

    Start your morning with a strong and vigorous flow to strengthen the body and clear the mind. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 2 blankets, 1 strap

  • 45 minute Simple, Not Easy, But Fast

    Episode 5

    This is the perfect class if you don't have a lot of time, but want to feel like you've challenged yourself. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 2 blankets, 1 strap

  • 30 minute Beginner's Daily Practice

    Episode 6

    Take a little bit of time every day for this foundational practice aimed at giving you a well rounded flow in a short period of time. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 strap

  • 30 minute Morning Coffee Class

    Episode 7

    You may find that this class replaces your morning latte - or at least reduces your dependency on it! Recommended props: 1 strap

  • 15 minute Upper Body Builder for Beginners

    Episode 8

    Strengthen your shoulders and upper back in this quick upper body builder designed for those of you who are new to yoga. Recommended props: 1 strap

  • 10 minute What To Do Before Headstand

    Episode 9

    This series of poses will prepare you to come up into headstand, which requires upper body strength and flexibility. Recommended props: 1 strap

  • 30 minute Efficient Hip & Hamstring Flow

    Episode 10

    Opening your hips and hamstrings takes time, but if you do this well rounded beginner practice regularly it will happen! Recommended props: 2 blocks, 2 blankets, 1 strap

  • 10 minute Meet Headstand

    Episode 11

    Learn to safely come up into headstand. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket

  • 10 minute Meet Surya A & B

    Episode 12

    Learn to link sun salute A and B together.

  • 15 minute Meet Forward Bends

    Episode 13

    Break down and practice three kinds of standing forward bends. Recommended props: 2 blocks

  • 5 minute Meet Trikonasana

    Episode 14

    Learn to correctly practice triangle pose. Recommended props: 2 blocks

  • 15 minute Meet Warrior 2 & Side Angle

    Episode 15

    Break down and learn to practice warrior 2 and extended side angle pose. Recommended props: 2 blocks

  • 10 minute Meet Surya B

    Episode 16

    Learn the basics of sun salute B.

  • 5 minute Meet Puppy Dog

    Episode 17

    Learn to correctly practice puppy dog, a modification for downward facing dog.

  • 5 minute Meet Warrior 1

    Episode 18

    Break down and learn to practice warrior 1.

  • Meet Melanie

    Episode 19

    Meet Melanie Lora Meltzer, online yoga instructor for YogaWorks

  • 10 minute Beginner Core

    Episode 20

    Strengthen your core and improve your overall health and wellbeing in just about as much time as it takes to brush your teeth and make your bed.

  • 20 minute AM Stress Relief

    Episode 21

    Do this sequence first thing in the morning and start your day energized, calm, and centered. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket