Patti Quintero
110 Episodes
Patti Quintero, M.A, E-RYT, has taught yoga since 1998. Her teaching style is born out of her training in Ashtanga and Iyengar Yoga, focusing on postural alignment and the fluidity between body and breath. Patti’s challenging yet compassionate approach, encourages students to move mindfully through the landscape of postures into a space of stillness and clarity.
35:29Episode 1
30 minutos Saludos al Sol
Episode 1
Esta secuencia cubre todos los aspectos de Surya Namaskara A y B. Los Saludos al Sol están diseñados para calentar el cuerpo y crear una meditación en movimiento.
41:44Episode 2
40 minutos Vinyasa Intermedia
Episode 2
Esta secuencia fortalece el cuerpo, mejora la flexibilidad y relaja la mente y el cuerpo. Recommended props: 1 strap
50:39Episode 3
45 minute Metabolic Burn
Episode 3
Move at a steady pace, build heat quickly and end in a satisfying savasana. Recommended props: 1 blanket
48:20Episode 4
45 minute Open Hips, Open Heart
Episode 4
Focus on your heart and hips in this class filled with backbends and hip openers. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket
03:01Episode 5
5 minute Perfect Yoga Push Up
Episode 5
Practice chaturanga correctly so you can get the most out of this upper body and core strengthener. Recommended props: 1 block
5 minute Eka Pada Koundinyasana Tutorial
Episode 6
Breakdown eka pada koundinyasana, which is a really fun arm balance and big hip opener
21:45Episode 7
20 minute Get Up and Flow!
Episode 7
Get up, get moving and feel great for your day. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket
1:01:02Episode 8
60 minute King Pigeon
Episode 8
Practice king pigeon pose - a hip opener and backbend all in one. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket, 1 strap
13:15Episode 9
15 minute Wring Out the Holidays
Episode 9
Wring out the overindulgence and stressful energy that goes hand in hand with the holiday season.
32:12Episode 10
30 minute Wall Twists
Episode 10
Use the wall to get deeper into your twisting postures with this fun class that will help you see these advanced poses in a whole new light. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket
09:11Episode 11
10 minute Prenatal Meditation
Episode 11
Get comfortable and connect to your baby in this short meditation for mamas to be. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 bolster
1:00:33Episode 12
60 minute Invigorating Prenatal Flow
Episode 12
Strengthen, energize and get your circulation going in this sequence for mamas to be. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket, 1 strap, 1 bolster
11:44Episode 13
10 minute Stretch and Connect
Episode 13
Move through gentle and delicious stretches that will leave you feeling revived and replenished. Recommended props: 1 blanket
06:33Episode 14
5 minute Scorpion Tutorial
Episode 14
Perfect your scorpion pose with this advanced tutorial! Before practicing this video, be sure to warm up with some backbends, shoulder openers and core work. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 strap
5 minute Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana at the Wall
Episode 15
Practice twisting half moon pose at the wall to feel stable and learn what to do with your back leg.
39:05Episode 16
45 minute Arm Balance Flow
Episode 16
Get ready to practice some really fun arm balances that all have two things in common: shoulder stability and core strength. Recommended props: 1 block
00:04Episode 17
Buenas Noches
Episode 17
Haga esta práctica antes de ir a la cama para ayudar a conciliar el sueño con facilidad.
23:08Episode 18
20 minutos Nivel 2 Caderas
Episode 18
¿Se sienta mucho? ¿Conduce mucho? Esta práctica es una gran manera de estirar las caderas.
20:41Episode 19
20 minutos Equilibrio (Spanish)
Episode 19
Equilibrio'aprenda a equilibrar y a conectar.
20 minutos Fuerza Superior del Cuerpo (Spanish)
Episode 20
Fortaleciendo el torso'utilizando su peso corporal para fortalecer la parte superior del cuerpo.
22:43Episode 21
20 minutos Flujos nivel 2 (Spanish)
Episode 21
Práctica Nivel 2. Esta es una práctica diseñada para estudiantes de nivel intermedio.
18:31Episode 22
20 minutos Fortalece tu centro
Episode 22
Fortalece tu centro'en preparacion para trabajar tus abdominales. Esta practica fortalecera tus abdominales y te dara soporte para una Buena postura.
20 minutos Introducción a la Yoga (Spanish)
Episode 23
Introducción a la yoga. Una clase ideal para principiantes.
24:03Episode 24
20 minutos Flujo de Cardio (Spanish)
Episode 24
Práctica Cardiovascular'Comience a sudar en esta práctica de ritmo rápido.