• 10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Sit In You...

    Step into your inner world and create conditions to ease your mind and recalibrate your energy. Distraction in a busy world can leave you feeling exhausted, this is a reset to empower you from the inside out. recommended: blankets

  • 10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Inner Gaze...

    Take some time and shift your gaze inward. Like the eagle pose you practice, it symbolizes expanding your view beyond the confines of the mind and into the depths of your inner knowing. This is the place of where you hold your creative power with care and accountability. recommended: Blankets or ...

  • 10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Align with...

    Take some time to sit and tune in. Life has distractions and challenges AND when you can shift gears and align with your essence you are more present to handle them with more ease. recommended: bolster or blankets

  • 10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Dial into ...

    Sit and connect to your center. Your inner and outer worlds are changing all the time. Be present with what arises and not merge with it. This gives you the freedom to ride the waves of life with more joy and ease. recommended: blankets

  • 10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Insight an...

    Take a time out and tune into your inner world. A space to empty out and allow new energy to fill you up and inspire your life. Insight to help you navigate the changes of life. recommended: blankets or Bolster

  • 10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Internatio...

    Yoga is a practice to unify, come into wholeness. Earth school is challenging. When you take some time to shift the gaze inward, how you see reality shifts too. Sit and clear your channels so you feel more in tune with your inner guidance. recommended: blankets

  • 10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Space To B...

    Sit and tune into the spaces of stillness. This is where your mind can slow down to the rhythm of your breath and connect to what needs attention. recommended: blankets/ bolster

  • 10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Reset Your...

    Take 10 minutes to shift gears from the busyness of the outer world and create space for your inner life. When your worlds align there is more freedom and space to be in the rhythm of your inner guidance. recommended: Bolster/Blankets

  • 10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Nurture yo...

    Take a ten minute time out from the outer world and tune into your inner. Our true Self is beyond conditioning and identity. It is the place where you trust your inner voice and follow the call of your heart. recommended: blankets

  • 10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Shifting G...

    A 10 minute drop in to sit, steady your body and mind, and feel what your inner world needs to support what you are growing. recommended: bolsters or blankets

  • 10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Ground and...

    Take some Time to ground your body to hold you with support. This allows you to shift inwards and feel what is bubbling to your awareness. Centering slows you down so you can follow the rhythm of your breath illuminating your path forward. recommended: blankets or Bolster

  • 10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Boundaries...

    A meditation to breathe and connect to the boundary between your inner and outer worlds. Creating safe space to slow down and attune, brings a congruency with what you do, say, and share. Boundaries are healthy spaces to communicate within yourself and with others. This builds confidence in how ...

  • 10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Interconne...

    Sitting in stillness to receive the feedback your body is giving you So That you feel grounded and centered. Feeling connected to all parts of our self brings us back into connection with are true SELF. This is the the presence of being interconnected with all of life. recommended: blankets or bo...

  • 10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Clearing T...

    Sit still and breathe into the spaces of your mind, body, and heart that need attention. Clearing out the cobwebs is a way of decluttering the busyness of Doing and create space to BE in the Well of wisdom that resides within. recommended: bolster or blankets

  • 10 min Meditation w/ Mia - The Divine...

    International Women's Day. Connect to the water element of your sacral chakra to align with your feminine energy. Your gender doesn't define this quality, it is opening the conversation to include the psychic/symbolic right side of your brain. See and feel beyond the logical and tap into your int...

  • 10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Locks and ...

    Take some time to step into your inner world. Unlocking the mind from thoughts allows space for your breath and heart to flow with more ease. recommended: blankets, bolster, or chair

  • 10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Heart Attu...

    So often our busy minds keep us distracted, take a time out and attune to your heart so you feel resourced for your day. recommended: blankets or bolster

  • 10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Call and R...

    A call and response meditation to plant seeds of affirmation. recommended: blankets or bolster

  • 10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Sit In You...

    A 10 minute meditation to connect you to your inner sanctuary. recommended: blankets or bolster

  • 10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Transformi...

    a meditation to support you through transition and transforming Fear. recommended: bolster or 2 blankets

  • 10 min Meditation w/ Mia -Winter Sols...

    Winter Solstice Meditation. Going into the dark is fertile ground to plant seeds for new growth. Sit still to release old patterns and make room for new pathways. recommended: blankets

  • 10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Reset Your...

    Sit and lighten your mind and connect to the radiance within you. From here we react less and respond with skill. recommended: blankets

  • 10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Navigating...

    A box breath meditation to help you get out of the box and navigate change from your inner guidance. recommended: blankets

  • 10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Feel, Witn...

    A meditation to feel, witness, and connect. So often you are told what to feel, this can separate you from your inner knowing. Feeling the wisdom of your body is a gateway to self love and self trust.