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Mia Togo

10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Reset Your Inner Compass - 5/31/2024



  • 10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Nurture yo...

    10 months ago

    Take a ten minute time out from the outer world and tune into your inner. Our true Self is beyond conditioning and identity. It is the place where you trust your inner voice and follow the call of your heart. recommended: blankets

  • 10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Shifting G...

    10 months ago

    A 10 minute drop in to sit, steady your body and mind, and feel what your inner world needs to support what you are growing. recommended: bolsters or blankets

  • 10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Ground and...

    10 months ago

    Take some Time to ground your body to hold you with support. This allows you to shift inwards and feel what is bubbling to your awareness. Centering slows you down so you can follow the rhythm of your breath illuminating your path forward. recommended: blankets or Bolster