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Mia Togo

10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Ground and Center - 5/10/2024



  • 10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Boundaries...

    11 months ago

    A meditation to breathe and connect to the boundary between your inner and outer worlds. Creating safe space to slow down and attune, brings a congruency with what you do, say, and share. Boundaries are healthy spaces to communicate within yourself and with others. This builds confidence in how ...

  • 10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Interconne...

    11 months ago

    Sitting in stillness to receive the feedback your body is giving you So That you feel grounded and centered. Feeling connected to all parts of our self brings us back into connection with are true SELF. This is the the presence of being interconnected with all of life. recommended: blankets or bo...

  • 10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Clearing T...

    12 months ago

    Sit still and breathe into the spaces of your mind, body, and heart that need attention. Clearing out the cobwebs is a way of decluttering the busyness of Doing and create space to BE in the Well of wisdom that resides within. recommended: bolster or blankets