Elena Cheung

Elena Cheung

3 Seasons

Elena is a Seattle-based movement specialist, certified Yoga Medicine Therapeutic Specialist, and yoga teacher whose mission is to empower individuals in their movement practice. She's studied anatomy and the biomechanics of yoga under internationally acclaimed teachers such as Tiffany Cruikshank, Richelle Ricard, and Jules Mitchell in an endeavor to understand the intricate beauty of the human body. Her classes combine a healthy dose of intricate details, playfulness, and the balancing of effort and ease. Her aim is to create a diverse and inclusive community through authentic connection, engagement, and collaboration where yoga meets the modern, digital world. When not in the studio or doing yoga-related stuff, Elena enjoys long walks with her dogs, time with loved ones, terrible reality TV, and cooking really, really delicious tonkatsu curry.

Elena Cheung
  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - Lower Body Unwind

    Episode 1

    Join Elena in mindfully balancing effort and ease in a lower body focused practice. This class includes supine hamstring & gentle core work, standing poses (including chair, low lunge, Warrior 2) to cultivate strength and mobility in the lower body. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket, 1 strap.

  • 45 min Hatha 1 w/ Elena - Spring Loaded Hips 7/12/23

    Episode 2

    Learn to harness the strength of your legs in stillness and in transitions between postures. This class focuses on building awareness in the hips and legs by practicing "loading like a spring". Recommended props: 1 blanket, 2 blocks, 1 strap or towel.

  • 40 min Hatha Yoga 1/2 w/ Elena - 06/19/2023

    Episode 3

    Clear, simple, aligned instructions with Elena

  • 45 min Hatha 1/2 w/ Elena - Ustrasana Exploration 7/14/23

    Episode 4

    Mindfully build to Ustrasana (Camel Pose) in this thoughtfully sequenced class with an option to add on a small arm variation. This practice includes side bends, twists, and other poses chosen to prepare your body for exploring Ustrasana. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - Compress and Expand 7/17/23

    Episode 5

    Join Elena in creating work and space through the pecs and front of the shoulders through a slow, methodical practice. This class includes work moving the spine and ribcage, isometric holds, and attention to detail in various poses like Mountain, Chair, Low Lunge, and Warrior 2. Recommended props...

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1 w/ Elena - What About the Wrists! 7/17/23

    Episode 6

    This beginner-friendly practice highlights the importance of loading the wrists in our yoga practice. Whether you're brand new to yoga or have discomfort when weight-bearing on your wrists, this class gives tools to gently build strength and resiliency through muscular support. This class starts ...

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1 w/ Elena - Shoulder Stability 7/19/23

    Episode 7

    Take the time to work your shoulder stabilizers in this thoughtful, slow-paced practice with Elena. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - Side Plank Connections 7/21/23

    Episode 8

    Feel how your shoulders, core, and hips work in unison through explorations of side plank variations. This class asks you to pay attention to the details and move with intention. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - Twists From the Heart 7/24/23

    Episode 9

    Feel the core control and ribcage mobility in this practice with Elena. This class is designed to demystify the actions of the ribcage and shoulder blades in twists, commonly seen movements in asana classes. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1 w/ Elena - Core to Shoulders 7/24/23

    Episode 10

    Join Elena in this beginner-friendly practice focused on finding and honoring the connection between your core and shoulders. We'll explore forearm plank, sphinx roll ups, locust variations, and other fun variations to fine tune this awareness. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1 w/ Elena - Spine Time 7/26/23

    Episode 11

    Join Elena in this beginner-friendly class focused on bringing attention to the spine through back bends! While back bends can feel intimidating, there are many ways to access their benefits through thoughtful cueing and attention. That's this class! Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - Balance Fun! 7/28/23

    Episode 12

    Join Elena in this fun class oriented toward single leg balancing! This practice starts off with four ways to challenge your single-leg stability, then moves through yoga postures like Chair, Warrior 2, and Triangle. We finish off exploring variations of Tree pose and challenging awareness in the...

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - Morning Reset 7/31/23

    Episode 13

    Wake up and move with this practice focused on hips and hamstrings. Beginner-friendly and slower-paced, this class will leave you feeling awake but not overly taxed. Recommended props: 1 blanket, 2 blocks.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1 w/ Elena - Hamstrings with a splash of Neck 7/31/23

    Episode 14

    Give TLC to your hamstrings and neck in this mindfully taught, well-rounded, beginner-friendly practice. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 strap, 1 blanket.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - Hanumanasana, Splits 7/26/23

    Episode 15

    Mindfully work up to Hanumanasana, splits, with a combination of active work, passive work, nerve flosses, and attention to breath. Recommended props: 1 blanket, 2 blocks.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - Twisting Inside Out 8/2/23

    Episode 16

    Connect to your core, ribs, and spine with this class focused on twisting with mindfulness and intention. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - Psoas Says WHAT and Other Short Stories 8/4/23

    Episode 17

    Hot tip: Your hip flexors need more than just stretching. Especially if they feel chronically tight! They need movement and strength. This practice utilizes a combination of movement, self-myofascial release and gentle stretches to release the hip flexors, hips, and low back. Recommended props: 2...

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - Hip Love 8/7/23

    Episode 18

    Join Elena for a practice focusing on your outer hips! This class includes variations of Warrior 2, Warrior 2, Side Angle, Triangle, and Square Pose/Fire Log Pose. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1 w/ Elena - Introspection 8/8/23

    Episode 19

    This beginner-friendly practice emphasizes less talky, more feeling and introspection. This class is an opportunity to drop in, feel, and observe your body in connection with breath and postures. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - Hamstrings in Space 8/9/23

    Episode 20

    Hot tip: you don't really *own* your hamstring flexibility till you test it in different orientations in gravity. This practice is about cultivating and exploring hamstring/quad awareness in yoga postures like: Supta Padangusthasana, Half-Splits, Pyramid, Supported Standing Splits, and Single Leg...

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1 w/ Elena - Hamstrings Detailed 8/9/23

    Episode 21

    Discover the nuance in hamstring-focused yoga postures in this beginner-friendly, thoughtful practice. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - Inner Thighs, Outer Hips 8/11/23

    Episode 22

    Discover the balance between the inner and outer dimensions of the hips in this thoughtful, slower-paced practice. Recommended props: 1 blanket, 1 block, 1 strap.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - The Classics 8/14/23

    Episode 23

    Enjoy this practice with Elena focused on classically seen yoga postures and transitions but with a perspective shift. This class emphasizes attention to detail, self-exploration, curiosity, infused with the challenge of stillness. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1 w/ Elena - Drop In 8/14/23

    Episode 24

    This is a beginner-friendly practice geared towards commonly seen yoga postures with a unique twist: we start each pose by focusing on details, and end by sitting with stillness to notice the fluctuations of the mind. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket.