Jesse Schein

Jesse Schein

3 Seasons

Jesse Schein is an experienced yoga practitioner and teacher dedicated to helping her students achieve inner peace, focus, and self-love. For 23 years she has offered her teachings rooted in the YogaWorks method coupled with the vinyasa flow style of Ashtanga. Expect precise instructions delivered with loving kindness and often a touch of humor. Jesse’s mission is to foster freedom while encouraging each student to “Do YOU be YOU.” She provides an individualized path for practitioners to develop greater body awareness, connect deeply with intuition, engage their heart space, and ultimately come away feeling more connected than ever before. When she isn’t on her mat, Jesse can be found hanging out with her 9-year-old son or playing with her dogs at the beach, soaking up the sun in San Diego.

Jesse Schein
  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/Jesse Lift your Quads! 11/8/23

    Episode 1

    This class focuses on the upper body opening and the lower body strengthening. LOTS of detailed Maty type of instructions that will guide you towards Camel and Wheel and Possibly more! Bendy humans you will stabilize tighter humans you will open. It is a DELICIOUS sequence that will leave you dee...

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/Jesse Neck Loving and Wood Floors 11/6/23

    Episode 2

    First class in my new home and we loved on our neck and went deep into hips and had lots of options to arm balance and handstand and go deep into twists and stretching. 2 blocks

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/Jesse Halloween Hangover Hamstrings Handstands 11/1/23

    Episode 3

    Halloween Hangover Class focused on Legs in particularly the muscles and the glutes and the hamstrings. We have lots of opportunity to handstand if that's your joy otherwise I give lots of alternatives. 2 blocks.

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/Jesse Heat Hips Arm Balances 10/30/23

    Episode 4

    This class builds heat and focuses on breath, letting go and the hips. I give a lot of detailed instructions that set you up for deep hip openers and arm balances if you desire.

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/Jesse Your Cervical Spine will LOVE this 10/29/23

    Episode 5

    This class will get you to FOCUS on your self through a lot of poses and instructions. The focus in on detailed alinement of the upper body and keeping the cervical spine happy. I throw in core and arm balances and humor as always. Pick and choose at moments too to step it up or back off.

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/Jesse Breath and Hamstrings 10/22/23

    Episode 6

    This class focuses on Breath and Legs, specifically the actions of your legs in order to engage and open them. Lots of movement and opportunity to go deep or to back off. Some poses visit pretty early on that typically don't attend the party until the end. This class will keep you present! 2 Bloc...

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/Jesse Check in with Your SELF and Shift 10/18/23

    Episode 7

    This is a CLASSY YogaWorks class with All the Trimmings. We move slowly and methodically and there are tons of moments to work hard and or back off. Lots of standing poses and core and arm balances and flow. Our focus is SELF and making good choices. 2 blocks

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/Jesse Hips Shoulders Breathing and Grounding 10/16/23

    Episode 8

    This class focuses on hip opening and glute strengthening. I offer lots of arm arm balances and flow along with options to simply prep it. We lead into Pincha Forearm balance and/forward folds. Very focused on breath and grounding.

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/Jesse I Know This Much Is True 10/15/23

    Episode 9

    Well rounded vinyasa flow with a few surprises. Lots of focus on the upper body and upper back. We lead to Camel and backbends and inversions. Lots of twists and Flow and Heat built. Reminders to breathe and stay present and focused and in tune with your needs and choices. 2 blocks

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/Jesse Breathe to Expand and Hips and Core 10/11/23

    Episode 10

    Keep your heart and soul open and expanding. Focus is on hips and core and inhalations. Lots of deep stretches and challenges arise. 2 blocks

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/Jesse Open Your Upper Back 10/9/23

    Episode 11

    This class focuses on stability and strength in the legs and glutes so we can open the upper back and shoulders. We flow and move a lot. I give tons of variations. Options for inversions and fancy and back bends at the end OR a deep chill down in forward folds.

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow 2/3 w-Jesse Check IN not OUT 10/8/23

    Episode 12

    This class asks you to check IN not Out and brings us closer to our centers both heart and core. Lots of movement and flow and twists and inversions. 2 blocks please.

  • 75 min Vinyasa 2-3 w/Jesse Hips and Abs and Trusting Self 10/4/23

    Episode 13

    Hips and Abs Galore and a focus on trusting Self. Get out of your thoughts and connect to your intuition and body. This class offers A LOT of asana. Lots of movement and long holds. Options to arm balance.

  • 75 min 2/3 Vinyasa w-Jesse You Have. My Attention 10/2/23

    Episode 14

    Requests came in at: Core, Hips, Twists, Backbends, Sun Salutes! It is ALL in there. Monday Morning Turn your to DO lists OFF and focus on YOU. Lots of ways to get the attention inward. As always you can make it very hard or back off and chill more. 2 blocks.

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow w/Jesse It's Soup Season 9/27/23

    Episode 15

    This class's theme is gratitude and/or compassion of self. Lots of standing poses and they are held a bit longer. Well rounded buffet. Lots of opportunity to make this one HARD OR EASIER. All is offered! Bring curiosity and explore your ways! Change it up a bit perhaps? 2 blocks.

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/Jesse Psoas and Hip Flexor Buffett 9/25/23

    Episode 16

    Technically we focus we on Psoas and Hip Flexor stretching. The approach is a constant flow of our breath. We breathe IN We breathe out. We quiet the mind and FOCUS our attention on Self and our bodies sensations. Lots of standing poses and deep stretch moments and time to bop around a try some ...

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/Jesse An Ode to Primary ASHTANGA 9/24/23

    Episode 17

    I am breaking down the Ashtanga Primary Series. It's different and new for many. It is the root and brith of Vinyasa Flow. Come see where it all began. DEDICATED to Charles James RIP dear friend.

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/Jesse Looks Like We Made it 9/20/23

    Episode 18

    Glutes, Hips, Shoulders, Core, Handstands, Flow, Breath, Twists, and mooooooooore. All ya gotta do is arrive show up and try.

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/Jesse Surprise 3/4 Ending

    Episode 19

    PT 9:30 AM - CT 11:30 AM - ET 12:30 PM
    Align, shine, move, and breath as one with Jesse

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/Jesse Did that Just Happen? 9/13/23

    Episode 20

    This class teaches the actions and prepares you for handstands IF you want to try them. I give LOTS of alternatives. We do a lot of core as well and learn how to stabilize using our muscles and open more in the upper back area. We end in deep hip opening and options for longer inversion holds.

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/Jesse COB Core Obliques Breath AND... 9/11/23

    Episode 21

    Lots of core stabilization! Focus on obliques. Using them in our standing poses and twists. Challenging sequence with lots of loving options to back off. I get it ALL in. Lovely meditation at the end and hip openers. One block.

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/Jesse Don't Over Do It Don't Under Do It 9/10/23

    Episode 22

    A students request was a classic Jesse class.DONE! This is a well rounded class with lots of choices and lots of details of alinement. We get it all in. Warm up, Sun Salutes, Standing Poses, Arm Balances, Twists, Core, Backbends, Inversions, Hip openers, meditation. It moves slowly and thoughtful...

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/Jesse Quad Squad 9/6/23

    Episode 23

    The request came in: Quads, Legs, Glutes...This class stabilizes and strengthens the legs muscles. I teach detailed instructions from the feet to the pelvis. This info is GREAT to learn and bring with you to all other classes when you know you're going to need your legs. 2 Blocks

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/Jesse Hips Breath Handstands and the Weather 9/3/23

    Episode 24

    If you showed up and can breathe this class has got you covered. Lots of poses and shapes and flow and movement and breath. You choose how much and how hard. We dive deep into feeling how we are and making the choices we make. It's hard or easy. 2 blocks.