Elena Cheung

Elena Cheung

3 Seasons

Elena is a Seattle-based movement specialist, certified Yoga Medicine Therapeutic Specialist, and yoga teacher whose mission is to empower individuals in their movement practice. She's studied anatomy and the biomechanics of yoga under internationally acclaimed teachers such as Tiffany Cruikshank, Richelle Ricard, and Jules Mitchell in an endeavor to understand the intricate beauty of the human body. Her classes combine a healthy dose of intricate details, playfulness, and the balancing of effort and ease. Her aim is to create a diverse and inclusive community through authentic connection, engagement, and collaboration where yoga meets the modern, digital world. When not in the studio or doing yoga-related stuff, Elena enjoys long walks with her dogs, time with loved ones, terrible reality TV, and cooking really, really delicious tonkatsu curry.

Elena Cheung
  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1 w/ Elena - Hello Obliques 8/16/23

    Episode 1

    Your core does so much more than sit-ups! Plus, sit-ups are so 2000s. This class explores how your obliques hold you up in gravity, in a fun way. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - The Secret to Backbends 8/19/23

    Episode 2

    Backbends are NOT just about the spine! Join Elena in this systematically and intelligently sequenced class focused on mindful exploration of backbend actions and opening postures. Recommended props: 1 blanket, 1 block.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - 1/2 Moon Exploration 8/16/23

    Episode 3

    Find grace in action in this class focused on transitioning from two legs onto one through the context of 1/2 Moon (Ardha Chandrasana). Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - Push Into the Ground 8/21/23

    Episode 4

    The secret prop every yoga student has... THE EARTH! This class is about using pressure into the ground to create full embodiment and demystify individual alignment. Practice begins with self-myofascial release on your feet and hands, followed by a slow-paced, thoughtful practice designed to help...

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1 w/ Elena - Take Up Space 8/21/23

    Episode 5

    Join Elena for a beginner-friendly practice focused on expansiveness and permission to take up space. Recommended props: none. Optional props: 1 blanket, 1 block.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - 360 Hips 8/23/23

    Episode 6

    Give some TLC to your hip joints in this beginner-friendly, slow-paced class. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1 w/ Elena - Hips to Core and Back Again 8/23/23

    Episode 7

    This beginner-friendly practice focuses on creating clarity and calm through connection to your core and hips. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - Build Heat 8/25/23

    Episode 8

    This practice challenges you to build heat in the body with integrity, patience, and attention to detail. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1 w/ Elena - Energetic Arrows 8/28/23

    Episode 9

    Did you know research says that visualization is an integral part of learning? This class is all about using arrows and visualization to create key engagement and support around the lower body in traditional standing postures. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - Not So Subtle Shoulders 8/30/23

    Episode 10

    Shoulder awareness meets creativity in this practice with Elena. Using a yoga block, we find different ways to load the shoulder! Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - Activated Twists 9/1/23

    Episode 11

    Learn to twist using your deep core, shoulders, and hips! Your core will say HELLO and your spine will say thanks. Recommended props: 1 blanket, 1 block.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - Splits in Space 9/6/23

    Episode 12

    This class takes the concept of splits and flips it around in gravity to explore hamstring/hip strength and flexibility. Recommended props: 1 blanket, 2 blocks.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - Side Plank Can Be Okay 9/8/23

    Episode 13

    Find your love of shoulder stability in this thoughtful practice. This class explores the rotator cuff in dynamic ways, culminating in an exploration of side plank! Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1 w/ Elena - Balance Fun 9/11/23

    Episode 14

    Challenge your balance and have some fun in this practice focused on hip and core stability. This class moves a little outside the box, so be ready to try some new things! Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - Power of the Legs 9/13/23

    Episode 15

    Feel the strength and endurance of your legs in this class dedicated to exploring how our muscles of the lower body hold us in and move us through gravity. Recommended props: 1 blanket, 2 blocks.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - A Little Bit of Everything 9/15/23

    Episode 16

    A slow, steady, well-rounded practice asking you to turn your awareness internally and to tap into your own intention. Recommended props: Whatever you like to practice with.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1 w/ Elena - Astronaut Abs 9/18/23

    Episode 17

    Core made fun! Our core is designed to be dynamic, mobile, and stable in many ways and different orientations to gravity, so that's what this practice is all about! If you like core work but you get bored of crunches and planks, take this class. Recommended props: 1 blanket, 1 block.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - Less is More 9/20/23

    Episode 18

    Take your time and slow it down in this quiet, introspective practice. Together we'll move through some standing poses, ending with pigeon and savasana. Recommended props: 1 blanket, 2 blocks.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - We Love Dolphins 9/22/23

    Episode 19

    Systematically build strength and confidence in your shoulders and core in this class by exploring Dolphin pose! Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1 w/ Elena - The Gentlest of Backbends 9/25/23

    Episode 20

    Explore backbends in a fun, integrated way in this practice. We'll systematically prepare the spine for backbends using core work, side bends, and twists. Recommended props: 1 blanket, 1 block.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - Happiest Hammies 9/27/23

    Episode 21

    Hamstrings need length and strength! And that's what this class is all about. Combining thoughtful movements and traditional asana, we explore the intricacies of the legs. Recommended props: 1 blanket, 2 blocks, 1 strap.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - Baby Step 1/2 Moon 9/29/23

    Episode 22

    Gently and thoughtfully build up to 1/2 Moon (Ardha Chandrasana) in this slower-paced practice. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1 w/ Elena - Hamstrings Go Both Ways 10/2/23

    Episode 23

    Your hammies stretch a lot in yoga. But they also should be working! This class plants the seeds for building hamstring strength, especially in some fun single leg balance! Recommended props: 1 blanket, 1 block. Optional: wall/chair for balance.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - Even Energy 10/20/23

    Episode 24

    This practice focuses on creating an even, sustainable energy in the body through gentle movement and longer holds. If your nervous system is feeling on edge, take this class. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket.