Celebrating Black Voices
Unlock a diversity of yoga and fitness classes for all levels in celebration of black voices.
30 minute Quick Heart Opening Sequence w/ Ashley
Focus on expanding and stretching across your heart in this short and sweet practice. Recommended props: 1 bolster, 2 blocks, 1 blanket
20 min Somatic Flow to Move Energy w/ Tamika
Experience movement in a curious, slow, and exploratory way to build more love and compassion for our bodies.
10 min Rest and Digest Meditation w/ CJ
Take a few moments as CJ leads you through a guided meditation that leaves you feeling at ease. Recommended props: 1 bolster, 1 blanket, 2 blocks, 1 strap
15 min Plyo-burn w/ Brandon
Raise your heart rate and jump around in this fun and energizing fitness class. Recommended props: 1 block
10 min Energizing Yoga Flow w/ Bree
Short on time? Need to energize in your whole body and mind? This class will stretch the legs, strengthen the arms, and stoke some fire into the core.
Recommended props: two blocks
30 minute Heart Openers w/ Davina
Play with opening your heart chakra so you can feel light and centered. Recommended props: 2 blocks
10 minute Fundamentals of Meditation w/ Romy
Learn how to set yourself up for a home meditation practice and follow it up with a quick meditation. Recommended props: 1 blanket
10 min Deep Stretch w/ Bree
Go deep with this short and gentle stretch including reclining twists, hip openers, and a hamstring release. Recommended props: a block and a strap.
15 minute Surya Namaskar A Tutorial w/ Davina
Flow step by step through your sun salutation to make sure every alignment point and breath cue is on point. Recommended props: 2 blocks
20 minute Wake Up the Breath and Wake Up the Body w/ CJ
Cultivate your breath and link it with movement to wake up and energize your body. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket
20 min Be Here Now Flow w/ Justin
Get centered and live in the present moment during this practice that will leave you feeling refreshed and balanced.
10 min Quick Reset in Supta Baddha Konasana w/ Ashley
If you were on a desert island and could only bring one yoga pose, what would you do? Supta Baddha Konsasna! learn how to prop this restorative pose for maximum rejuvenation. Suggested Props: a strap, bolster, blanket, and two blocks
20 minute Ab Sequence w/ Michelle
Engage your core with this quick mini class that will leave you feeling stable and grounded.
10 minute Shoulder Opener for Handstand w/ Romy
Increase flexion in your shoulders and open them in external rotation to prepare for handstand in this quick tutorial. Recommended props: 1 blanket, 1 block, 1 bolster
30 min Yin for Release w/ Tamika
Explore a variety of shapes to release held stress in the body. Discern what to let go and what to let be.
20 minute Better Than Coffee w/ Justin
Invigorate your nervous system that jumps right into backends and energizes your mind, body and soul. No caffeine needed!
20 minute Standing Poses for the Glutes w/ Michelle
Focus on building strength in your glutes in this class that emphasizes standing poses.
10 min Cardio Party w/ Brandon
Have fun with this energetic class that will get your heart pumping and alight the fire within.