Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga

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Yin Yoga
  • 60 min Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Practice as Self Care - 6/7/23

    Slow, deep stretch with Tamika

  • 30 min Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Back Care & Release - 6/11/23

    Slow, deep, restful, do the work with Tamika

  • 60 min Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Slow it down on a busy day - 6/12/23

    This practice is especially for these days in which you feel rushed, busy, or frenetic. Slow down and feel into the support of the wall and floor as you move through shapes to challenge the body while easing the mind.

    Props: strap, wall

  • 30 min Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - 06/18/2023

    Slow, deep, restful, do the work with Tamika

  • 60 min Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - for Bodies in Motion - 6/21/23

    In this Summer Solstice practice, lean into slow, mindful pauses as you begin to interrupt busyness. This is great for any time you've felt you've been rushing, after traveling, or any time you want low back release.

  • 30 min Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Find balance anywhere - 7/2/23

    Enjoy this short Yin practice anywhere so reset your nervous system while enjoying the creation of space all over the body.
    Included, hip-opening, backbending, neck & low back release, and lengthening along the IT bands
    Props: 2 blocks or stacked pillows/books
    All levels

  • 60 min Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Fire Element, Summer heart-opening practice - 7/3/23

    Yin Yoga is a practice of stressing the body in intentional ways. Open up the spaces around the heart in this summer-inspired practice.
    All levels
    Props: 2 blocks

  • 60 min Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Create a state of yoga 7/5/23

    In this all levels practice, Tamika explores yoga that creates a state of yoga. What exactly is a state of yoga? Find out.
    Meridians: heart, pericardium, triple warmer/san jiao (summer); gallbladder, kidney, liver, urinary bladder
    Props: Wall; blanket and blocks might be helpful

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Self serving practice 7/10/23

    In this practice, Tamika reminds us that we are always in service to our Self. Cultivate agency and awareness through this all levels class that is focused on opening the areas around the heart.

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Sit with yourself 7/17/23

    Tamika explores the foundational principle of Yin Yoga of sitting with yourself in stillness. Get curious about what's new to discover in each shape as you let yourself soften over time.

    Props: strap, 2 blocks, bolster, blanket
    All levels

  • 60 min Yin w/Tamika - Support & Calm for Wild Times 7/19/23

    Whether it is increasingly warm weather or a particularly difficult season of life, Tamika guides you through poses that rely on support to remind you that you are supported even in challenge.

    All Yin classes are all levels, but this class involves poses that are a bit more challenging. A remind...

  • 30 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Listen 7/23/23

    Grab a friend, yoga strap (or towel), and blocks, and practice this all levels Yin Yoga class together. Tamika guides you in a practice suited for the Late Summer to leave you feeling nourished and ready to engage in, or release, the day.

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Big Half Moon Energy 7/24/23

    In this practice, Tamika guides you through a practice of self study to encourage deep listening to incremental shifts into more challenge or resistance to them.

    Helpful props: wall, 2 blocks, bolster
    All levels

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Get curious 7/26/23

    Approach the shapes with a curiosity that reveals where you might shift your thinking and patterns on and off the mat.

    All levels
    Props: 2 blocks, bolster

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Full Moon Yin 7/31/23

    Harness the energy of the full moon Tamika guides you to feel into a series of challenging poses while pausing for moments of stillness and breath, then encouraging deep release.

    All levels, though some experience with Yin will help
    Props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket, 1 strap

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Yoga philosophy meets movement 8/3/23

    Leverage the pillars of yoga: self study, contentment, and surrender to experience the layers of the self (body, energy, mind, observer). Tamika guides a practice of long held postures and breath awareness to gain mastery of the mind and staying in that awareness for a while.

    Props: blanket, blo...

  • 30 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Shapes anywhere (no props practice) 8/6/23

    Practicing with props often helps us get deeper into Yin poses, but we don't always have them around. Keep this practice with you when you want to practice your practice anywhere -- nothing else needed but your body.

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Your hard day stops now. 8/9/23

    Feel into the grounding and quiet within, especially when everything around is not that. Settle into your practice and let everything stop with this long-held, slow, and deliberate practice by Tamika.

    Props: 2 blocks, strap (if possible otherwise a wall), bolster or blanket
    All levels

    Playlist ...

  • 30 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Radical Presence as Self Care 8/13/23

    There are a plethora of opportunities to find yourself in the middle of busyness. Late Summer is one of those seasons in which there is a natural clamor and wrapping up quality to the energy around us. Overthinking is associated with this season, according to TCM. Tamika will guide you into radic...

  • 60 Min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Nourishment & boundaries 8/14/23

    In this Late Summer practice, you'll move into shapes that stimulate Stomach & Spleen meridians, energetic lines that correlate to Earth Element in TCM. In this practice, Tamika encourages you to listen to the body for cues that help create boundaries that may be modeled off the mat.

    Props: wall...

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Bring forward the invisible 8/16/23

    Guided on a New Moon, Tamika invites you befriend the invisible, as some invisible things are awesome, like the breath, like the flow of energy after a deep compression. Be with yourself and owe nothing to anyone else in this practice of deep listening, feeling, and embodiment.

    All levels

  • 30 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Morning balance 8/20/23

    In this quick Yin practice well-suited for the morning, Tamika will guide you in shapes to create balance and stillness to start your day off right.

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Late Summer Yin & Chill 8/21/23

    PT 5:30 PM- CT 7:30 PM- ET 8:30 PM
    Slow, deep stretch with Tamika

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Embrace reprieve 8/23/23

    In this practice in which most poses are held for 5 minutes, embrace the rebound -- the residue of the postures after the release. This practice has long held poses with gooey transitions. You are encouraged to listen to. your body to back off or dive deeper as you feel compelled.

    Those with tig...