Slow Flow
By definition, the physical practice of yoga, is all about balance. This slower paced vinyasa class allows you time to connect to your breath and stay in postures long enough to become acutely aware of their sensations—and even break a sweat. Explore the subtleties of both effort and ease as you learn to move more mindfully.
60 min Slow Flow & Restore w/ Tamika - Get Curious, then Rest 3/11/24
Move through a flow of twists and side bends before releasing into Restorative Yoga. This practice is especially supportive for those who want to see variations.
All levels, intermediate
2 blocks, bolster, 2-3 blankets -
60 min Slow Flow & Restore w/ Tamika - Move mindfully, then rest 3.1.24
In this class we examine the why of the practice through the lens of active movement, then rest.
All levels
Props: 2 blocks, yoga strap, chair, 2 blanket -
45 min Slow Flow w/ Tamika - Move with awareness 2/27/24
Move slowly with awareness. In this class, Tamika builds from slower to mindfully strong. Enjoy this practice when you're lower energy and want to enjoy movement.
All levels
Props: 2 blocks, yoga strap -
45 min. Slow Flow w/ Tamika - Sensitive Shoulder Flow 2/13/24
Celebrate the body that showed up today. Tamika guides a solar flow for those with sensitive shoulders or anyone who wants to approach the poses a little differently.
All levels
Props: 2 blocks -
20 min Feel Good Flow w/ Tamika
A quick slow flow practice of joyful movement to shift your mood. Head to the Playlist section of the app to listen to the paired playlist. Suggested props: blocks, blanket, strap
45 min. Slow Flow w/ Tamika - Nourishing Movement 2/6/24
The only goal for this practice is joyful movement. Tamika guides you to move thoughtfully, to move to nourish your body and mind.
All levels
2 blocks -
45 min. Slow Flow w/ Tamika - Solar Flow 1/30/24
Using twists, side bends, and a variety of standing poses, Tamika guides you to build heat from the inside out in this strong, slow practice.
2 blocks -
45 min. Slow Flow w/ Tamika - Low back & shoulder love 1/16/24
Sometimes you just need to work out the stress that's carried in the body. Tamika guides you through shapes that will leave you feeling supple and ready for anything.
All levels
Props needed: Yoga strap, 2 blocks -
45 min. Slow Flow w/ Tamika - Fire & Ice 1/9/23
When it's cold outside, deep in the dark of winter, or even when we're just feeling a little dark on the inside, cultivating the opposite is a yogic principle we can call on to shift our mood. Enjoy a spicy slow flow that taps into the solar plexus chakra to heat up from the inside out without a ...
45 min. Slow Flow w/ Tamika - Curious, joyful movement & body love 1/2/24
You ever just want to move to feel good? We can do that within the framework of yoga asana. With special attention to the quads and neck, Tamika guides you through a series of curiosity inspired, non-performative movement in service to the pillars of yoga: self study and contentment that is well ...
45 min. Slow Flow w/ Tamika - Ebb & Chaturanga-free Flow 12/19/23
Everything around us could be calm or it could be in chaos. When we're in more awareness, possibly with a still mind, we're more able to ebb and flow. Tamika guides you through enjoyable movement to generate flow and joy, just in time for when you need them.
Props: 2 blocks, strap
All levels, In... -
45 min. Slow Flow w/ Tamika - Embodied Flow for Balance 12/12/23
Nonharm, nonattachment, self study, and surrender are some of the fundamental principles of yoga. Without them, our movement practice is devoid of a foundation. Tamika employs these concepts to this movement practice to encourage embodiment and joyful movement.
All levels, Intermediate
2 blocks -
45 min. Slow Flow w/ Tamika : Suns & Moons (Salutations) 12/5/23
During challenging times, all sense of balance can be lost. Regain it with this practice guided by Tamika of Sun Salutations, Moon Salutations, and lots of juicy bits to help leave you feeling balanced, calm, and embodied.
Featured: Chandra namaskar, Surya namaskar
All levels
Props: Blocks -
20 min Slow Flow, Slow Burn w/ Tamika
Do not confuse slow with gentle. Slowing down your flow allows for full embodiment and feeling in each pose. Join Tamika for a slowed down solar plexus focused flow tailored to light a spark in your house of power.
45 min. Slow Flow w/ Tamika - Gratitude for Your Body 11/21/23
Need a pick me up? This practice is designed to love yourself fiercely as you move with gratitude for your body and this present moment. Note that the first 3 minutes of the video is choppy, but sound is okay. Everything works out by the end and it's totally worth it.
All levels
2 blocks -
45 min. Slow Flow w/ Tamika - Move energy, create balance 8/29/23
Move deliberately into shapes while linking longer breaths to slower movement.
45 min. Slow Flow w/ Tamika - Easeful movement for awareness 9/12/23
Leave behind the day and move with mindful awareness into ease in 45 minutes. This slow moving flow is a moving meditation to allow you to connect deeply to yourself.
All levels
2 Blocks -
45 min. Slow Flow w/ Tamika - Eagle Heart Flow 9/19/23
Move out the energy of the day and the energy that you are intentionally choosing with this slow moving flow that taps into your Eagle spirit -- the spirit of perspective.
All levels
Blocks might be helpful -
45 min. Slow Flow w/ Tamika - Feel into what you have 10/10/23
Some days can feel more challenging than others. Tamika guides you through a mindful slow vinyasa flow to feel into what you're working with today in order to arrive at a balanced state.
All levels
2 blocks -
45 min YogaWorks 1-2 w/Jesse A Lovely Vinyasa Flow 10/12/23
Discover the flow of breath and poses linked together as we slowly and mindfully move through this 45 min well rounded class.
45 min. Slow Flow w/ Tamika - Work into Joyful Movement 10/31/23
The work of yoga doesn't have to be miserable. And it shouldn't be. Recorded on Halloween, the feline version of Tamika guides you through a fun flow to harness levity, particularly during trying times.
Props: 2 blocks, a wall is helpful
All levels -
45 min. Slow Flow w/ Tamika - Flow for self care 11/7/23
How can I care more for myself and be mindful of what the body is saying? Tamika guides you through a slow moving flow to build mindfulness and care for yourself.
All levels
Props: 2 blocks -
45 min. Slow Flow w/ Tamika - Joyful, curious movement 11/14/23
Move with curiosity and gratitude can do and what the body is. Tamika guides you through a slow moving vinyasa flow that encourages exploration and joy.
All levels
Props: 2 blocks -
20 minute Slow Flow to Surya Namaskar C
Take some time to break down sun salutation C that lets you drop into your body and find your center. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket