David Kim

David Kim

3 Seasons

David Kim is a Senior YogaWorks and Yin Yoga Teacher Trainer, who leads trainings, workshops, and yoga events all over the world. David’s thoughtful, challenging classes employ creative sequencing, precise instruction, and a philosophical attitude informed by his Mindfulness meditation practice.

David Kim
  • 30 minute Yin for Men

    Episode 1

    Release deep pockets of tension in your connective tissue, slow down your busy mind, and free up stagnant energy so you can flow more freely in everything you do. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket

  • 10 minute Athletes - Core

    Episode 2

    A core sequence for athletes that works on the abdominals, side waist and extensor muscles of the back. Be sure to try the entire Yoga for Athletes journey series. Recommended props: 2 blocks

  • 10 minute Athletes - Hamstrings

    Episode 3

    A short yoga sequence designed for athletes of all kinds that focuses on opening the hamstrings. Explore the entire Yoga for Athletes journey series. Recommended props: 2 blocks

  • 10 minute Athletes - Upper Body Strength

    Episode 4

    This brief yoga sequence uses your own body as resistance to develop arm, chest and back strength. Try another Yoga for Athletes video.

  • 60 minute Yoga for Men

    Episode 5

    This yoga sequence is specifically designed for men, but anyone can benefit from it. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket

  • 20 minute Athletes - Hips

    Episode 6

    A short yoga sequence designed for athletes that will help open and stabilize the hips. Check out another video from our Yoga for Athletes journey series. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket

  • 10 minute Athletes - Shoulders

    Episode 7

    A short yoga sequence that will open the tight spots in your shoulders and strengthen the weak areas. Explore our entire Yoga for Athletes journey series.

  • 30 minute Yoga For Weight Loss

    Episode 8

    Get in tune with your body and boost your metabolism. Recommended props: 1 strap, 1 blanket

  • 15 minute PM Cool Down

    Episode 9

    At the end of a long day, unwind with this calming practice that will help you reduce stress and get to sleep a little bit easier.

  • 15 minute Cardio Wake Up Call w/ David

    Episode 10

    Get energized, get your heart pumping, and get out the door with this sequence that will give you the yoga coffee you need when you've just woken up, but don't have a lot of time.

  • 45 minute Metabolic Blast

    Episode 11

    This sequence is designed to boost your metabolism and move your body quickly in a wide range of motion. Recommended props: 1 block

  • Stamina & Strength

    Episode 12

    Build strength and stamina in the larger muscle groups with this 15-minute sequence designed for athletes. Try another Yoga for Athletes video.

    Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket