Self Myofascial Release

Self Myofascial Release

Discover the ultimate self-care journey through self-myofascial release (aka self-massage). Perfect for beginners and experienced yoga students alike, these classes help relieve tension and create freedom around the joints.

These curated classes are designed to target individual areas of the body so you can pick and choose what you need on any given day!

Each practice includes self-myofascial release using fingers or props, breathing, and specific active postures/stretches, all working together to create sustainability and longevity in your body.

Required props: 2 self-myofascial release balls (any kind will do), 1 block, 1 blanket, 1 chair.

Your teacher, Elena Cheung, is a Yoga Medicine Therapeutic Specialist whose goal is to help you feel better in your body. This series is mindfully sequenced to reflect modern movement science and research, so you can trust you're in good hands!

Self Myofascial Release
  • 20 min Feet & Calves w/ Elena

    Unwind tension in your feet, ankles, and calves using SMR and gentle movements. Recomended props: 1 ball, 1 block, 1 blanket.

  • 20 min Hamstrings & Adductors w/ Elena

    Unwind tension in your hamstrings and inner thighs with SMR and gentle movement. Recommended props: 2 balls, 1 block, 1 chair, 1 blanket. *Note: Elena says "quads" at start of class but meant to say adductors!

  • 20 min Hips, Hip Flexors & Quads w/ Elena

    Unwind tension in your hips, hip flexors, and quads with SMR and gentle movement. Recommended props: 2 balls, 1 blanket, 2 blocks.

  • 20 min Spine & Core w/ Elena

    Unwind tension in your spine and core with SMR and gentle movement. Recommended props: 2 balls, 1 block, 1 blanket. Optional prop: 1 chair.

  • 20 min Shoulders & Neck w/ Elena

    Unwind tension in your shoulders and neck with SMR and gentle movement. Recommended props: 2 balls, 1 block.

  • 20 min Elbows & Wrists w/ Elena

    Unwind tension in your arms, elbows, and wrists using SMR and gentle movement. Recommended props: 1 ball, 1 chair.