Master the fundamentals of specific poses and transitions with these short tutorials.
5 minute Hands-on Adjustments - Seated Twists
For teachers'learn adjustments for seated twists.
5 minute Hands-on Adjustments - Savasana
For teachers'learns some safe and nurturing adjustments for savasana.
5 minute Hands-on Adjustments - Externally Rotated Standing Poses
For teachers'learn adjustments for externally rotated standing poses.
5 min Hands-on Adjustments - Belly Backbends
For teachers'learn some key adjustments for belly backbends.
3 minute Hands-on Adjustments - Bridge and Urdhva Dhanurasana
For teachers'learn adjustments for bridge and urdhva dhanurasana.
5 min Hands-on Adjustments - Seated Forward Folds
For teachers'learn adjustments for seated forward folds.
3 minute Hands-on Adjustments - Symmetrical Standing Poses
For teachers'learn how to cue and adjust symmetrical standing poses.
5 minute Hands-on Adjustments - Standing Neutrally Rotated Poses
For teachers'learn key adjustments for standing neutrally rotated poses.
3 minute Hands-on Adjustments - Standing Forward Folds
For teachers'learn adjustments for standing forward folds.
5 minute Ways to Teach Chatarunga
Learn a variety of ways to prepare for chatarunga in this short tutorial. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 strap
5 minute Angela Kukhahn Camel Pose Tutorial
Learn alignment cues and tips for getting into camel pose.
5 min Chrissy Trikonasana Tutorial
Chrissy breaks down trikonasana so you can practice it safely and mindfully.
5 minute Tittibasana Tutorial
Tittibasana is sort of like levitating that straddle seat (uppa vista konasana) you might enjoy sitting in as a hip opener. It does take some flexibility and because of that you're going to need to be warm for this tutorial. Have the equivalent of 5-rounds of sun salutes worth of tapas (heat) in ...
5 minute Single Legged Bakasana Tutorial
We totally get it. For years you've been patiently waiting for your single-legged crow to take flight... sigh... Before you dive into another downward spiral of whoa-is-me, think of this tutorial as a bit of a crow-is-me. Andrea's got a trick up her sleeve that's gonna coax that bird right out of...
5 minute Ustrasana and Half Moon with Your Pup
Have fun with your pup in this short class focused on backbends.
5 minute Toes and Heels
Learn where to shift the weight in your feet in various standing poses in this quick tutorial.
5 minute Toe-ga
Strengthen your foot muscles and build awareness in your feet and toes with this fun family yoga game. Recommended props: several tiny pom pom balls, cups
5 minute Advanced Ashtavakrasana to Eka Pada Koundinyasana
Master the transition between ashtavakrasana and eka pada koundinyasana in this advanced tutorial. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 stool
5 minute Tripod to Side Crow
Learn how to move from tripod headstand into side crow. Recommended props: 1 block
5 minute Salabhasana Tutorial
Learn how to practice locust pose, or salabhasana, a backbend that strengthens the spine, buttocks, and backs of the arms and legs.
5 minute Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana at the Wall
Practice twisting half moon pose at the wall to feel stable and learn what to do with your back leg.
5 minute Gomukhasana Tutorial
Learn to correctly practice gomukhasana, a pose that will stretch your hips, ankles and thighs and feels particularly good after externally rotated poses such as triangle and warrior 2. Recommended props: 1 blanket
5 minute Surya A with Your Pup
Get inspired with your doggy in this fun variation on Surya A.
5 minute Standing Poses with Your Pup
Root and center your practice with your dog in this short class.