Tamika Caston-Miller

Tamika Caston-Miller

5 Seasons

Tamika Caston-Miller is an E-RYT 500 with advanced training in Trauma-Informed Yoga, Somatics, Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, and Yoga Nidra. Her journey has been informed by chronic pain and injuries, social justice, ancestral healing, and compassion. She has studied with some of the most notable names in yoga and considers her work deeply informed by their teachings. Her expertise in yoga philosophy makes her a standout teacher.

Tamika Caston-Miller
  • 75 min. Yin & Restorative Yoga w/ Tamika - from Ghost Ranch 9/3/23

    Episode 1

    Take the time to get quiet to hear, sense, and notice what you really want and need. The Yin postures will give insight as to what you need in adjusting for what works for you while the Restorative postures will offer spaces of calm and deep listening.

    Props: blankets, 2 blocks

  • 75 min. Yin & Restorative Yoga w/ Tamika - Wipe the slate clean 9/10/23

    Episode 2

    Imagine being able to sit with yourself in quiet, explore deep listening to your body and your mind, and then resting for a while. You don't have to imagine that reset. It's here. Wipe the slate clean with this gooey class that is a full reset for the week.

    Variations shown with two bodies
    2 Blo...

  • 60 min. Restorative Yoga w/ Tamika - Let go of the day 9/14/23

    Episode 3

    Tamika guides you through 3 poses that you may recreate whenever you have a few minutes to cultivate rest. Let go of the day and rest with awareness. Create a state of yoga.

    Props: pouf/sofa/chair, block, bolster, 4 blankets, yoga strap, pillows
    all levels

  • 75 min. Yin & Restorative Yoga w/ Tamika - The Power of Rest 9/17/23

    Episode 4

    Get rid of the get rid of the karmas of the day/week/month through Yin, and resolve samskaras (old soul impressions) that don't serve you through rest. Tamika guides a gooey Yin practice that prepares your body and mind for deep rest through Restorative shapes.

    Helpful props: 4 blankets, 2 block...

  • 75 min. Yin & Restorative Yoga w/Tamika - Autumn Equinox Intentions 9/24/23

    Episode 5

    With the shift of seasons, our intentionality shifts, too. We are in the season dedicated letting go and preparation for the longest nights. What do you want to carry? What is yours to carry? Tamika guides you through Yin postures to create moments of inquiry and Restorative postures to settle in...

  • 60 min. Restorative Yoga w/ Tamika - for challenging times 10/12/23

    Episode 6

    Yoga leads to a state of yoga. Rest deeply in spite of and alongside whatever is going on in your life to cultivate a yogic state and soothe your nervous system.

    Props: 4 blankets, 1 bolster. 2 blocks
    all levels

  • 75 min. Yin & Restorative Yoga - Integrate rest & resilience 10/22/23

    Episode 7

    Fold into yourself in this long class of inspired stillness in supported and unsupported shapes.

    All levels
    Props: 2 blocks, bolster, chair or sofa, 2 blankets, and eye covering

  • 60 mins. Restorative Yoga w/ Tamika - Clarity through Rest 10/26/23

    Episode 8

    Clarity rarely comes through stressful work. Tamika guides you through rest to reduce stress and anxiety while increasing clarity and rest. This practice is a part of the 4 week series exploring the Four Yogas, by Lama Rod Owens.

    Props: 4-5 blankets, yoga strap (if possible), 2-3 pillows, 1 bols...

  • 75 min. Yin & Restorative Yoga w/ Tamika - Rest, Resilience, & Release 10/29/23

    Episode 9

    Integrating the Yoga of Clarity, Tamika guides you through shapes and practices that inspire rest, resilience and release. Notice the difference between these three qualities and tap into what you need when you need it. This class is especially supportive for those going through a difficult time....

  • 60 min. Restorative Yoga w/ Tamika - Restful dreaming 10/19/23

    Episode 10

    In continued exploration of the theme the Yoga Four Yogas, explore the Yoga of Dream, or Radical Imagining. Tamika guides you through a limitlessness experienced through shapes that inspire sacred rest.

    All levels
    Props: chair, 4 blankets, bolster, pillows, eye covering

  • 60 min. Restorative Yoga w/ Tamika - For when you're not 100% 10/5/23

    Episode 11

    Rest deeply to reset your nervous system. Audio is a little spotty on this one, but Tamika doesn't speak a lot to allow for you to fully rest.

    Props: 4 blankets, 2 blocks,1 bolster, pillows

  • 75 min. Yin & Restorative Yoga w/ Tamika - Explore, then surrender 10/8/23

    Episode 12

    PT 8:00 AM- CT 10:00 AM- ET 11:00 AM
    Slow, deep, restful, do the work with Tamika

  • 60 min. Restorative w/ Tamika - Somatic Restorative to Interrupt Stress 11/3/23

    Episode 13

    Tamika guides you through a practice of somatic movement, breath, and Restorative shapes to offer a complete reset to offer a hard stop to anxiety and stress for an hour.

    All levels
    Props: chair or sofa, blankets, pillows, eye covering

  • 60 min. Restorative Yoga w/ Tamika - Fill Your Cup 11/9/23

    Episode 14

    Rounding out the series on the Four Yogas, Tamika guides you through a practice to fill your cup. Do you have enough care for yourself to do the work of care for others? Nourish yourself deeply. Fill up. Rest. This class is especially well suited for those who need stress relief.

    All levels

  • 75 min Yin & Restorative Yoga w/ Tamika - Stress, then let go 11/12/23

    Episode 15

    Lean into the challenge of long held Yin postures, and then let it all go with yummy Restorative shapes. Life imitates yoga in this practice of stress and release. Tamika guides through an exquisite journey that offers you a chance to let stress go and fill up with deep nourishment and care.
