Chakra Activation

Chakra Activation

This 8-part series aims to balance and harmonize the body's energy centers, known as chakras.

Each class is dedicated to a specific chakra, from the root to the crown, and consists of eight 15-minute practices.

These practices incorporate movement, meditation, visualization, breathwork, and kriyas to balance and activate each individual energy center.

The final class is a special chakra balancing practice that combines movement with a closing meditation, bringing together the journey and leaving you feeling aligned and connected to these powerful energetic centers.

Chakra Activation
  • Introduction to Chakra Activation w/ Ashley

    The Chakra Activation program is an 8-part series that aims to balance and harmonize the body's energy centers, known as chakras. Each class is dedicated to a specific chakra, from the root to the crown, and consists of eight 15-minute practices. These practices incorporate movement, meditation, ...

  • 15 min Root Chakra Activation w/ Ashley

    Ground and stabilize your energy by practicing techniques that focus on the root chakra. Use movement, meditation, visualization, breathwork, and mantra to balance and activate the root chakra, creating a sense of security and stability.

  • 15 min Sacral Chakra Activation w/ Ashley

    Dive into the creative and emotional energy of the sacral chakra. This guided practice will help you cultivate a harmonious flow of emotions, creativity, and sensuality through movement, meditation, visualization, breathwork, and mantra.

  • 15 min Solar Plexus Chakra Activation w/ Ashley

    Ignite your personal power and confidence by practicing techniques that focus on the solar plexus chakra. Through movement, meditation, visualization, breathwork, and mantra, you can balance and activate the solar plexus chakra to enhance self-esteem and empowerment.

  • 15 min Heart Chakra Activation w/ Ashley

    Open your heart and cultivate love and compassion with a practice that focuses on the heart chakra. This practice combines movement, meditation, visualization, breathwork, and mantra to balance and activate the heart chakra, promoting emotional healing and deepening connections.

  • 15 min Throat Chakra Activation w/ Ashley

    Find your authentic voice and express yourself freely by practicing techniques that focus on the throat chakra. This practice includes movement, meditation, visualization, breathwork, and mantra to balance and activate the throat chakra, promoting clear communication and self-expression.

  • 15 min Third Eye Chakra Activation w/ Ashley

    Awaken your intuition and inner wisdom by focusing on the third eye chakra. This practice incorporates movement, meditation, visualization, breathwork, and mantra to balance and activate the third eye chakra, resulting in improved insight and clarity.

  • 15 min Crown Chakra Activation w/ Ashley

    Connect to the divine and expand your consciousness through a practice that emphasizes the crown chakra. Utilize movement, meditation, visualization, breathwork, and mantra to balance and activate the crown chakra, fostering spiritual growth and enlightenment.

  • 20 min Complete Chakra Activation w/ Ashley

    In this final class, we will integrate all the previous chakra activations into a practice that unifies the journey and leaves you feeling connected to each powerful energetic center. The class incorporates movement throughout and concludes with a meditation that activates and balances the chakra...