

YogaWorks signature classes are world-renowned for blending precision in alignment with breath and movement for a perfectly balanced practice you can’t find anywhere else.

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  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 4/1/24

    Join Maya for a mindful full-body flow that will guide you to create space in your body and then stabilize to support your balance. Poses include: Supta Padangusthasana (reclined hand to big toe pose), sun salutations, standing poses, Vasisthasana (side plank pose), twists, Utthita Hasta Padangus...

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/ Jesse We Cannot Control The Weather Today 3/31/24

    Sunday Buffett is FULL ON today. Lots and lots being served you pick and choose what you like. Loads of instructions, twists, arm balances, inversions and movement. Lots of comedy too.

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 3/27/24

    Join Maya for a well-rounded flow practice focused on finding stability and openness in the outer hips. Poses include: sun salutations, standing poses, balance poses, Anantasana (infinity pose), plank variations, hip openers, forward folds, and more. Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks, 1 yoga bla...

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 3/25/24

    Join Maya for a mindful intermediate flow class targeting the hamstrings and hip flexors. Poses include: lunge variations, sun salutations, standing poses, twists, core work, Urdhva Dhanurasana (upward-facing bow), and more! Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks, 1 yoga belt or substitute

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/ Jesse Twist Twists and Twists 3/24/24

    The request was TWISTS. I obliged. Lots of attention to HOW we set and prep for this group of poses. We strengthen the legs core and glutes and learn how to square hips and maximize length in the torso. By the time we twist we are ready to go deep. One block very useful.

  • 45 min All Levels Vinyasa Flow w/ Jesse Core Connection 3/21/24

    This class teaches you about the core and how we use it in our poses. There is something for beginners, intermediate and advanced in the all levels as I offer a large buffet!

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 3/20/24

    Join Maya for a mindful simple flow class exploring the practice of observation in some of the more commonly-practiced yoga asanas (postures). Poses include: lunge variations, sun salutations, standing poses, balance poses, dolphin, simple backbends, and more. Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks

  • 45 min All Levels Vinyasa Flow w/ Jesse Release for Space 3/19/24

    This class caters to ALL levels. We explore the upper body and legs. We don't vinyasa as much as I usually do and rather spend more time on foundations and alinements. It isn't easy though don't let that fool ya. Weather you are new or seasoned this class has something for everyone.

  • 45 min All Levels Vinyasa Flow w/ Jesse Space Strength Letting Go

    This class opens your upper body! Lots of different ways to engage this upper back and open it through a fun flow of standing poses and sun salutes that lead us to inversions and folds.

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 3/13/24

    Join Maya for a mindful intermediate flow focused on finding suppleness in your upper middle back. Poses include: lunge variations, sun salutations, standing poses, balance poses, core work, Pincha Mayurasana (forearm balance) and other inversions, backbends, and more. Recommended props: 1-2 yoga...

  • 45 min All Level Vinyasa Flow w/ Jesse Roots and Space

    Well rounded flow that focuses on roots and space. Options to arm balance.

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 3/11/24

    PT 5:00 PM - CT 7:00 PM - ET 8:00 PM
    Align, shine, and connect with Maya!

  • 45 min All Levels Vinyasa Flow w/Jesse What's Breath Got to Do with It 3/7/24

    I get a lot in slowly. Core, Flow, Arm Balances, Inversions, twists and more. Lots of attention on the breath and staying present.

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 3/6/24

    Join Maya for a mindful intermediate flow focused on finding length in balance and backbending postures. Poses include: lunge variations, sun salutations, standing poses, balance poses, core work, simple backbends, Natarajasana (dancer's pose), and more. Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks, 1 yoga...

  • 45 min All Level Vinyasa Flow w/ Jesse A Spicy Buffett 3/5/24

    This buffet has it all. Lots of movement and flow and standing poses. Core, arm balances and inversions offered to spice it up if you choose.

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 3/4/24

    Join Maya for an alignment-based flow class focused on opening and stabilizing the hips and shoulders. Poses include: lunge variations, sun salutations, standing poses, balance poses, twists, backbends, and more. Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks, 1 yoga belt, 1 yoga blanket or towel

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 2/21/24

    Join Maya for a mindful intermediate flow class focused on finding length and you balance and twist. Poses include: sun salutations, standing poses, balance poses, twists, backbends, and more. Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/ Jesse I've got your Back 3/3/24

    I focus on stabilizing our core and glutes and legs to open the upper back and shoulders. Leading to fancy backbends that are optional.

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 2/26/24

    Video framing a bit off due to technical difficulties - sorry! Join Maya for a mindful flow class focused on creating length in your side body. Poses include: lunge variations, sun salutations, standing poses, hip opening poses, Navasana (boat pose), Purvottanasana (reverse table pose), and more....

  • 45 min YogaWorks 1 w/ Jesse Slow Mindful Movement 2/20/24

    Weather you are brand new to yoga or feel like taking it a bit slower. The classic YogaWorks 1 explores breath, mindful movement, foundation and alinement. Well rounded.

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 2/19/24

    Join Maya for an intermediate flow focused on strengthening and opening the hips and hamstrings. Poses include: sun saluations, lunge variations, standing poses, core work, balance poses, Eka Pada Galavasana (flying pigeon), backbends, and more! Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks, yoga blanket or...

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 2/14/24

    Join Maya for a well-rounded intermediate flow leading to Parsva Bakasana (side crow) and ending with gentle front-body openers. Poses include: sun salutations, lunge variations, twists, standing poses, core work, arm balances, gentle backbends, and more. Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 2/12/24

    Join Maya for a mindful flow leading to Bakasana (crow pose). Poses include: sun salutations, standing poses, lunge variations, core work, hip openers, Bakasana (crow pose), backbends, and more. Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks, yoga belt for tight quads

  • 45 min YogaWorks 1-2 w/ Jesse Visit with Standing Poses 2/8/24

    We let go of stuff and visit with a bunch of standing poses like warrior 2, triangle, extended right angle. Lots of time to slow down and breathe and let go.