Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga

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Yin Yoga
  • 30 min Yin & Restorative w/ Vytas - Allowing 9/13/24

    Go inward. Downregulate. Allow your body to do its thing in a relaxed and easy context. This is Yin.

  • 30 min Yin & Restorative w/ Vytas - Innervision 9/6/24

    Tune in, get spacious, and relax. This practice will be gentle stretching for which you may want a bolster and a strap.

  • 30 min Yin & Restorative w/ Vytas - Inviting Ease 8/23/24

    Slow down and allow softness to happen. This yin practice is excellent medicine for those of us who love to go, go, go.

  • 30 min Gentle Yin & Restorative w/ Vytas - EAZY 8/16/24

    Tune in, down-regulate and chill out. This is the best way to soften and find some easy for yourself.

  • 30 min Gentle Yin & Restorative w/ Vytas - Yoga Nidra Chill 8/9/24

    This relaxing practice begins with deep yogic relaxation technique and follows with some gentle movement. We finish with legs up the wall. Tune in and feel great with Vytas.

  • 30 min Gentle Yin & Restorative w/ Vytas - Yin & Meditation 7/26/24

    Twenty minutes of gentle movement followed by a ten minute sit. Tune in and chill out.

  • 30 min Gentle Yin & Restorative w/ Vytas - Supta Padangusthasana 7/19/24

    An easy, feel good practice designed to help you unwind and relax. Be prepared with a yoga strap to enjoy the fullness of what this class has to offer.

  • 30 mins Gentle Yin & Restorative w/ Vytas - Finding Gentle 7/12/24

    Easy into your weekend with 30 minutes of Friday Yin and Restorative practice.

  • 15 min Release Hip Tension w/ Vytas

    Through both active mobility and passive stretching, we will release tension that resides in the hips.

  • Yin for Balance and Wellbeing

    Cultivate mental resilience with long-held Yin poses by finding stillness at your edge in this balancing practice. This class is especially supportive of those who struggle with overthinking and anxiety.

    Suggested props: 2 blocks, strap, bolster, blanket

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Yin for Overwhelm 5/8/24

    In this practice, Tamika guides you through a variety of poses that use a sense of containment to cultivate a quality of being held. With time to turn inward and enjoy contemplative space, try this practice whenever you're in overwhelm or desire deep self care.

    All levels
    Props: strap, blocks; a...

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Super Chill Yin 5/6/24

    Life can be full of yang energy. Balance it out with this super chill Yin class that involves a few movements to curate peace and deep self care.

    All levels
    Props: 2 blocks, bolster
    Recommended playlist: Dreamscape https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6lHhrx1uMeGc7mbHmuTRSJ?si=b24ca505875e4ae1 (sta...

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Let go of Fixing 5/1/24

    The practice of yoga isn't about fixing yourself, it's about revealing yourself. Tamika will guide you through an introspective practice that brings you back to yourself.

    All levels
    Props: 2 blocks, bolster might be helpful

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Presence & Balance 4/29/24

    Get present and settle into the natural arc of a shape -- the beginning, peak, and end. In this balancing sequence, notice when you're able to cease getting into the shape and how you are able to turn inward to cultivate a sense of peace and somatic experiencing.

    All levels
    Props: 2 blocks, bols...

  • 15 min Cleansing Yin Practice w/ Tamika

    In just a few shapes, Tamika offers you shapes and breath awareness that offer and opportunity to release the day, let go of what's not needed, and step into renewal.

    Props: 2 blocks, bolster
    All levels

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Balance the Busyness 4/18/24

    In this balancing Spring practice, create space and equanimity for peace and wellbeing. There is special attention given to groin, hip flexors, and psoas.

    Intermediate L2/3
    Props: blanket, strap, 2 blocks, bolster

  • 60 min Yin Yoga w/Tamika - Spring Balance: Wrist, Hip Flexor, Upper Body 4/15/24

    Springtime can be a whirlwind as we get into play, gardening, running in the warmer temperatures. Tamika guides a practice of introspection in which you feel into the energetic residue and after the shape. Additional care is given to wrists, hip flexors, and upper body in this practice.


  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Balance & Renewal 4/10/24

    Feeling a bit all over the place? Slow all the way down with this intentional, contemplative practice for balance and renewal through long held shapes. This class has fewer set up cues for the experienced Yin practitioner.

    Block, bolster (a blanket might be helpful)

  • 45 Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Big Solar (& and Heart) Energy 4/8/24

    Even the sun goes into shadow every now and again. In this practice, Tamika guides you through a practice to examine the contrast between opening and closing as you lean into side and chest openers (solar and heart chakras).

    2 blocks, bolster, blanket
    All levels

  • Morning Yin Yoga

    Wake up your body and create space in all of the nooks and crannies with this balancing Yin practice. Head to the Playlist section of the app to listen to the paired playlist.

    Suggested props: bolster

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Neck, Shoulders & Back Love 4/3/24

    In this class, Tamika guides you through shapes to create stress, then release around the shoulders, relief of tightness around the neck, and deep care of the low back through engagement of the hips and support under the sacrum. If you've been feeling a little stiff, or if you want time to create...

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Low Back Relief 4/1/24

    In this practice, enjoy support and low back love for any days in which you need a little more relief. Tamika guides you around the places in the body in which the tendency to hold may be released.

    Props: access to a wall is preferable, but non-wall options are provided.
    All levels, intermediate+

  • 20 min Yin to Cultivate Balance w/Tamika

    Feeling a little overwhelmed? Offset out Yang lifestyles with some Yin stillness. Cultivate the opposite with long held poses in this well-rounded, calming class to arrive at a more balanced state.

    All levels
    2 blocks or bolster

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Time to land 3/27/24

    Sometimes we're looking for a soft place to land. In this class, that place is within you. Enjoy this practice especially supportive of low back and hips that will cultivate calm, and hopefully, peace.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7mnKcbwnL1mrvRl0jzHBwK?si=d1052ce8404a4b46