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Mia Togo

75min vinyasa flow level 2/3 w Mia Spread Your Wings- 7/18/23

1h 15m

Up Next in Mia's Vinyasa Flow

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/ Mia - 7/22/24

    A flow to challenge your body, mind, and heart to release patterns of lack and create conditions that allow love to grow. Change the rules of the past and be present with what speaks to your heart. required: one block, recommended: strap

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia ...

    Moving toward full splits (Hanumanasana) can be a daunting journey. We take this slow and practice Santosha (cultivating Joy through acceptance and contentment) with what shows up on the mat. Finding your version of this pose and practicing contentment goes far beyond the stretch of your hamstrin...

  • Vinyasa Flow 2-3 with Mia 75 min - Wh...

    Samskaras are patterns that can spin you in a circle because they are familiar. They are like spinning our wheels in ruts going nowhere. This class focuses on the pelvic and thoracic wheels to help get you into the drivers seat and set course for new exciting roads.