Maya Magennis

Maya Magennis

3 Seasons
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Maya Magennis is a yoga educator and mindful movement teacher who brings clarity, attention to detail, and compassion to her teaching. Her background in classical ballet and daily movement practice informs her teaching style, and she is passionate about anatomy and biomechanics. Her experience in the high-stress world of investment banking has given her a unique perspective on the healing power of yoga, and she is grateful to share that with her students.

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Maya Magennis
  • 60 minYogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 2/7/24

    Episode 1

    Join Maya for a mindful flow practice focused on finding freedom and stability in the shoulders and upper back. Poses include: sun salutations, lunge variations, standing poses, core work, inversions, Purvottanasana (reverse table), and more. Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 2/5/24

    Episode 2

    Join Maya for an intermediate flow class focused on finding length and stability in your spine while balancing. Poses include: sun salutations, lunge variations, Virabhadrasana 1 + 3 (warrior poses), Utthita Hasta Padangustasana 1 + 2, core work, Dhanurasana (bow pose), and more. Recommended prop...

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 1/31/24

    Episode 3

    Join Maya for an intermediate flow class focused on lengthening and strengthening your side-body. Poses include: sun salutations, standing poses, core work, Ustrasana (camel pose), and more. Recommended props: 1 yoga blanket or large towel, 1-2 yoga blocks

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 1/29/24

    Episode 4

    Join Maya for a mindful intermediate flow practice focusing on finding length through your side body. Poses include sun salutations, lunge variations, standing poses, backbends, seated twists, and more. Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks, yoga blanket

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 1/24/24

    Episode 5

    Join Maya for an intermediate flow class focused on opening the hips and strengthening your core. Poses include: lunge variations, sun salutations, standing poses, balance poses, Eka Pada Galavasana (flying pigeon), core work, and more. Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks, 1 yoga blanket or towel

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 1/22/24

    Episode 6

    Join Maya for an intermediate level practice focused on the neck and shoulders. Poses include: Lunge variations, sun salutations, standing poses, core work, Dolphin, Pincha Mayurasana (forearm balance), and more. Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks, 1 yoga belt

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 1/17/24

    Episode 7

    Join Maya for an intermediate-level flow class exploring balance and mindful presence. Poses include: sun salutations, standing poses, balance poses, core work, gentle backbending, and more. Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks, yoga blanket

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 1/15/24

    Episode 8

    Join Maya for an intermediate level flow focused on establishing stability through your midline. Poses include sun salutations, lunge variations, core work, balance poses, handstand, and more. Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks, 1 yoga belt

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 1/10/24

    Episode 9

    Join Maya for a mindful intermediate practice for the hips, hamstrings, and core. Poses include sun salutations, standing poses, core work, Bakasana (crow pose), backbends, and more. Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 1/8/24

    Episode 10

    Join Maya for an intermediate level well-rounded flow focused on strengthening and opening the upper middle back. Poses include sun salutations, lunges, standing poses, side plank, backbends and more. Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks, yoga blanket or large towel.

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 1/3/24

    Episode 11

    Join Maya for a well-rounded flow focused on cultivating both strength and ease in your practice. Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks.

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 1/2/24

    Episode 12

    Join Maya for a mindful flow focusing on the neck and shoulders. Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks.

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 12/27/23

    Episode 13

    Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 12/20/23

    Episode 14

    Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks, 1 yoga belt

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 12/13/23

    Episode 15

    Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks, yoga belt

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 12/11/23

    Episode 16

    Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - To Handstand 12/6/23

    Episode 17

    Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks, 1 yoga belt

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - Back to the Basics 12/4/23

    Episode 18

    Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks, 1 yoga blanket or large towel.

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 11/29/23

    Episode 19

    Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks, 1 yoga belt.

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - Shoulder Opening to Pincha 11/27/23

    Episode 20

    Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks, yoga blanket or bolster/pillow to sit.

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - Twists with a Twist 11/20/23

    Episode 21

    Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks.

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - Shoulder + Neck Flow 11/15/23

    Episode 22

    Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks, yoga belt for tight shoulders.

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - Shoulders and More 5/18/23

    Episode 23

    Join Maya as she mindfully flows though shoulder opening postures leading towards Dolphin pose and Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Balance). Other poses include: Sun Salutations, Standing Poses, Core Work, Reverse Table, and more. Recommended Props: 1-2 yoga blocks, 1 yoga belt for tight shoulders.

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - Be Here Now 5/16/23

    Episode 24

    PT 5:00 PM - CT 7:00 PM - ET 8:00 PM
    Align, shine, and connect with Maya!