

YogaWorks signature classes are world-renowned for blending precision in alignment with breath and movement for a perfectly balanced practice you can’t find anywhere else.

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  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 11/6/24

    Join Maya for a progressive flow class to open the upper-middle back in preparation for twisting postures. Poses include: moon salutations, sun salutations, standing poses, balance poses, Virabhadrasana 1 (warrior 1), twisting poses, Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana (twisting half moon), gentle backbe...

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 11/4/24

    Join Maya for a mindful flow practice to stretch and strengthen your side body. Poses include: sun salutations, standing poses, balance poses, Vrksasana (tree pose), warrior flow, Vasisthasana variations (side plank), gentle backbends, Dhanurasana (bow pose), hip openers, and more. Recommended pr...

  • 45 min YogaWorks All Levels w/ Maya - 11/3/24

    Join Maya for a well-rounded flow practice. Poses include: lunge variations, sun salutations, standing poses, balance poses, Utthita Parsvakonasana (extended side angle pose), core work, inversions, gentle backbends, and more. Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 10/28/24

    Join Maya for an intermediate-level flow practice to open your shoulders, lengthen your hamstrings, and strengthen your core. Poses include: Virasana (hero's pose), lunge variations, sun salutations, standing poses, balance poses, Gomukhasana arms (cow face arms), standing twists, Navasana (boat ...

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 10/23/24

    Join Maya for an intermediate flow practice to lengthen your hamstrings and open your shoulders. Poses include: sun salutations A + B, lunge variations, core work, Parsvottanasana (pyramid pose), inversions, gentle backbends, Urdhva Dhanurasana (upward facing bow pose), and more. Recommended prop...

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 10/21/24

    Join Maya for a mindful intermediate flow practice to open your hips and hamstrings and strengthen your core. Poses include: sun salutations, lunge variations, standing poses, balance poses, Ardha Chandrasana (half moon pose), arm balances, Bakasana (crow pose), core work, gentle backbends, Eka P...

  • 45 min YogaWorks All Levels w/ Maya - 10/20/24

    Join Maya for an all levels flow practice to open your body and steady your mind. Poses include: lunge variations, sun salutations, standing poses, balance poses, core work, hip openers and more. Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 10/16/24

    Join Maya for an intermediate flow class to open your hips and hamstrings and strengthen your core for arm balancing. Poses include: sun salutations, lunge variations, standing poses, balance poses, Bakasana (crow pose), core work, seated hip openers, twists, and more. Recommended props: 1-2 yoga...

  • 60 min Vinyasa Flow w/ Ashley - Connected and Complete 10/08/2024

    Foster a sense of connection and completeness in this thoughtfully sequenced flow, where you'll explore the interconnectedness of your body, breath, and mind. This practice aims to help you feel more integrated and whole, linking movement with breath to create a seamless, meditative experience. ...

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 10/14/24

    Join Maya for a mindful intermediate flow practice to open your hamstrings and strengthen your core. Poses include: lunge variations, sun salutations, standing poses, balance poses, Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (standing hamstring stretch), core work, Vasisthasana (side plank pose), gentle backb...

  • 45 min YogaWorks All Levels w/ Maya - 10/13/24

    Join Maya for a mindful all-levels flow to create space and length in the spine in preparation for twisting postures. Poses include: sun salutations, lunge variations, standing twists, Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana (twisting half moon), backbends, Ustrasana (camel pose), seated twists, and more. Re...

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 10/9/24

    Join Maya for an intermediate level flow focused on creating stability in your core in preparation for balancing postures and inversions. Poses included: lunge variations, sun salutations, standing poses, Virabhadrasana 3 (warrior 3 pose), core work, inversions, Adho Mukha Vrksasana (handstand), ...

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 10/7/24

    Join Maya for a mindful intermediate flow class targeting the mobility and stability of the outer hips. Poses include: sun salutations, standing poses, balance poses, core work, Eka Pada Galavasana (flying pigeon pose), backbends, seated twists, hip openers, and more. Recommended props: 1-2 yoga ...

  • 45 min YogaWorks All Levels w/ Maya - 10/6/24

    Join Maya for a mindful all-levels flow to open the shoulders, hamstrings, and mobilize the spine. Poses include: seated shoulder openers, sun saltuations, standing poses, Utthita Trikonasana (triangle pose), standing twists, Dhanurasana (bow pose), seated hip openers, and more. Recommended props...

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 9/30/24

    Join Maya for an intermediate level flow class to open the shoulders and hips in preparation for backbends. Poses include: sun salutations, lunge variations, standing poses, Parsvottanasana (pyramid pose), core work, backbends, Urdhva Dhanurasana (upward bow pose), twists, hip openers, and more. ...

  • 60 min Vinyasa Flow w/ Ashley - Steady and True Flow 09/28/2024

    Cultivate steadiness and authenticity in your practice with this flow that helps you build a strong foundation both physically and mentally. Expect a balanced mix of standing postures, balancing poses, and flowing sequences that challenge your strength and focus. The class emphasizes aligning you...

  • 60 min Vinyasa Flow w/ Ashley - Inner Ease 09/26/2024

    Discover a sense of inner ease and flow in this class designed to help you cultivate a feeling of effortlessness and grace in both your body and mind. Through a series of mindful movements and breath-centered flows that focus on supporting the joints and common tension areas, you'll learn to crea...

  • 60 min Vinyasa Flow w/ Ashley - Space to Settle 9/24/2024

    Create both physical and mental space within this practice that allows you to find a sense of settledness and calm. This practice moves you through a mindful sequence of low to the earth poses that encourage opening in the body while simultaneously cultivating inner stillness. Expect a balance of...

  • 60 min Vinyasa Flow w/ Ashley - Take the Backseat 09/21/2024

    Surrender control and let your body guide you through this practice. The class focuses on trusting your body's wisdom and intuition, offering a practices that perfectly balance challenge with mindful movement. By paying attention to your breath, you'll release tension and find a state of relaxed ...

  • 60 min Vinyasa Flow w/ Ashley - Simple, Yet Effective (Hips) 09/19/2024

    This practice focuses on simplicity and effectiveness, with a special emphasis on hip opening through a straightforward yet powerful sequences designed to target the hip area, promoting flexibility, strength, and balance.

  • 45 min YogaWorks All Levels w/ Maya - 9/29/24

    Join Maya for a mindful flow practice exploring stability in the hips in support of balance. Poses include: sun salutation variations, standing poses, balance poses, Ardha Chandrasana (half moon pose), standing twists, dolphin pose, Purvottanasana (reverse table pose), seated twists, and more. Re...

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 9/25/24

    Join Maya for a mindful intermediate flow around the theme of balance. Poses include: sun salutations, lunge variations, crescent flow, Utthita Parsvakonasana (extended side angle pose), inversions, twists, hip openers, Dhanurasana (bow pose), seated forward folds, and more. Recommended props: 1-...

  • 60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 9/23/24

    Join Maya for a well-rounded intermediate flow practice to ground your body and focus your mind. Poses include: sun salutations, balance poses, standing poses, core integration, inversions, gentle backbends, and more. Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks, blanket for sitting

  • 45 min YogaWorks All Levels w/ Maya - 9/22/24

    Join Maya for an alignment-based flow leading towards Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana (twisting half moon). Poses include: lunge variations, sun salutations, standing poses, balance poses, twists, gentle backbends, and more.

    Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks, blanket for sitting