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30 minute Quick Advanced Prenatal Flow

Vinyasa Flow • 31m

Up Next in Vinyasa Flow

  • 30 minute Sciatica Sigh of Relief

    Target the sciatic nerve by creating space in the hips and low back. The sciatic nerve often becomes aggravated when there is compression in the low spine, so with consistent stretching you may begin to experience relief. Always listen to your body and never push through negative sensations in th...

  • 30 minute Rise and Shine AM Detox

    Open and energize your body and get rid of the toxins of the night through asana and Ayurvedic detox. Tools developed from Melanie's book, Kitchen Yoga; Simple Home Practices to Transform Mind, Body and Life. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 chair, tissues, spoon, coconut oil

  • 30 minute Balance Spectrum w/ Jesse

    Find the alignment and sense of humor you need to explore all of the one-legged standing balancing postures.

    Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 strap