Take some time to tune into your body and create space to listen to what is unfolding breath by breath. Our stories our places of learning and resilience, they also need time to air out so we can choose how to move forward from our Unstoried Self. recommended: block and strap
1:17:3810 months ago
75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia ...
10 months ago
Filling every moment up with doing is exhausting. This practice eases you into a strong sequence to cultivate strength in the spaciousness of your awareness, breath and presence. recommended: 2 blocks and strap
1:16:0211 months ago
75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia ...
11 months ago
Yoga is a practice to raise your awareness. In each pose there is time and sacred space to listen to the messages your body sends. When you discern through the lens of understanding, wisdom is garnered. Your breath is a bridge between your inner and outer worlds. Opening to receive helps you lear...
1:18:2111 months ago
75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia ...
11 months ago
We all get stuck in the grooves of our conditioned mind. Yoga is a practice to relax the grip and create a safe space to explore new connections and pathways. Here is where you get your groove back! recommended: block