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20 min Mobility w/ Vytas - AnkleyKnee Stuff - 7/6/23



  • 20 min Mobility w/ Vytas - Hip Intern...

    over 1 year ago

    If you do a lot of yoga, then this is the class for you. Most yoga classes are very imbalanced when it comes to rotation at the hips. They prioritize external rotation while rarely, or often never, working internal. This leads to a very unhealthy imbalance. Take this class once a week and never w...

  • 20 min Mobility w/ Vytas - Shoulder R...

    over 1 year ago

    The shoulders have a huge range of motion compared to other joints, so they need to be stable and strong to support movement. This practice addresses the rotator cuff and its capabilities. Enjoy!

  • 20 min Mobility w/ Vytas - Hugging vs...

    almost 2 years ago

    In this mobility practice we get at both the shoulders and hips with two ranges of motion; adduction and abduction. These work in opposition with each another to both hug into the body and pull away from it. Enjoy this strong yet focused 20 minute class.