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Get into a heavy-duty strong movement feel with this 10 minute leg zinger! Elevate and modify as needed. Recommended props: optional barbell weights
Up Next in Tracy's BodyWorks
45 min Body Sculpt All Levels w/ Trac...
PT 6:45 AM - CT 8:45 AM - ET 9:45 AM
We go heavy today guys and gals! Heavy id relative and Tracy says play it smart and safe! Compound movements, traditional strength, functional movement and a blast o' cardio...It's all in there! -
45 min Body Sculpt w/ Tracy The Sea W...
PT - 6:45 AM - CT 8:45 AM- ET 9:45 AM
Get the arms and core strong to punch the bad away kids! Shoulders, biceps, tricep and abs are challenged today! Tracy adds in cardio bursts here and there for the best sweat! -
45 min Body Sculpt All Levels w/ Trac...
Sweat, strengthen, and build power with Tray Tray! Upper, lower, cardio and core! The gangs all challenged today! Every body part worked!