Pick Me Up

Pick Me Up

If you're looking for emotional support and well-being for challenging times, you're in the right place.

These practices are for anyone seeking a gentle yet powerful emotional pick-me-up at any time.

You'll mindfully explore yoga poses, breathwork, and meditation curated to alleviate stress and help you find your center.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced yoga student, these sessions are tailored to help you process whatever you need to process.

Pick Me Up
  • Welcome to Pick Me Up

    Learn what this series is all about, what props you'll need, and other considerations.

  • 30 min Gentle Compassion w/ Elena

    This practice combines gentle movement, breathwork, and introspection to cultivate self-compassion. Recommended props: 1 blanket, 1 block.

  • 30 min Calm Your Mind w/ Elena

    Calm your nervous system and find peace through dynamic standing postures that gently lead to gentle, passive poses. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket.

  • 30 min Reconnect to Self w/ Elena

    Take your time to connect to who you are through long held hip openers with an internal focus. Recommended props: 1 blanket, 1 block.

  • 20 min Show Up As You Are w/ Elena

    Show up as you are and hold space for whatever comes up. This practice utilizes standing and seated postures, long holds, and breathwork. Recommended props: Any you prefer.