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Dani Ibarra

30 minute Traction Action


Up Next in Dani's Therapeutics, Restorative, and Ball Roll

  • 30 minute Sciatica Sigh of Relief

    Target the sciatic nerve by creating space in the hips and low back. The sciatic nerve often becomes aggravated when there is compression in the low spine, so with consistent stretching you may begin to experience relief. Always listen to your body and never push through negative sensations in th...

  • 30 minute Hips and Hammies

    Pay special attention to your hips and hamstrings in this quick, stretchy class. Recommended props:

  • 30 minute Therapeutic Practice for th...

    Create space in your body, connect to your breath, and decompress your lumbar spine and SI joint. Enjoy some simple moves for lower back pain. Recommended Prop: two blankets and a strap