Lengthen your spine and strengthen the muscles in your low back. This series of strengthening backbends will encourage you to keep your body long and low to the floor. Backbends can be extremely healing to the body if done correctly with good alignment, awareness and a willingness to open the heart center. Recommended props: 1 blanket
Up Next in Dani's Therapeutics, Restorative, and Ball Roll
15 minute Chair Practice
Do this practice anywhere! These stretches are helpful and effective if you're unable to get down onto the floor. Gravity is effecting every single one of us, so opening the chest will keep the pectoral muscles from becoming tight, which pulls the shoulders forward, rounding the upper spine. When...
15 minute Guided Therapeutic Practice...
No pain, no strain! Ring out and unnwind tension, and cultivate gentle awareness with this sequence targeting the upper back, neck, and shoulders. Recommended Prop: blanket
15 min Ball Rolling Relief for the Up...
Using two therapy balls release tension and find ease by rolling your face, neck, and upper back. Recommended props: two balls & a block