Elevate your heart rate and boost your energy with cardio intervals. You will combine bursts of high-intensity cardio with periods of active recovery. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned fitness enthusiast, this class offers customizable intensity, making it accessible to everyone. Head to the Playlist section of the app to listen to the paired playlist.
Suggested props: weights
Up Next in Core
20 min Slow Sculpt Abs w/ Tracy
Strengthen and sculpt your core in this 20-minute workout that promotes core stability, balance, and a mind-body connection. Target and engage your abdominals, back, shoulders and glute muscles through deliberate and controlled movements. Head to the Playlist section of the app to listen to the p...
20 min Slow Sculpt Upper Body w/ Tracy
Sculpt and strengthen with this class that targets your whole upper body while promoting mindful movement and control. Head to the Playlist section of the app to listen to the paired playlist. Suggested props: weights
20 min Slow Sculpt Lower Body w/ Tracy
Strengthen and Sculpt your lower body by targeting key muscle groups in the legs. This balanced and effective workout uses deliberate movements to promote muscle engagement, flexibility, and mind-body connection. Head to the Playlist section of the app to listen to the paired playlist. Suggested ...