36:47Episode 1
30 minute Basic Spinal Energy w/ Kara
Episode 1
Bring health and flexibility into your spine with the Kundalini basic spinal energy series.
19:06Episode 2
20 minute Basic Breath Series
Episode 2
Focus on pranayama (breath control) that will bring increased clarity, a quick jolt of energy and balance.
33:19Episode 3
30 minute Surya Kriya
Episode 3
Calling in sun energy that makes you expressive, energetic and enthusiastic. Recommended props: 1 block
30 minute Kriya to Make You Enchantingly Beautiful
Episode 4
Work on the physical health of the body and your vitality to bring balance to your organs and calm your mind to leave you feeling and looking beautiful.
30 min Kriya to Strengthen the Aura w/ Kara
Episode 5
Strengthen the energetic field around your body to improve your physical and emotional health. Recommended props: 2 blankets
20 minute Kirtan Kriya for Creating Brain Health
Episode 6
Promote powerful health to the brain with an eleven minute long meditation that has many proven benefits. Recommended props: 1 blanket
45 minute Kriya for Physical and Mental Vitality
Episode 7
Invigorate your entire body and spirit with a great work out that taps into Kundalini energy. Recommended props: 1 blanket
45 minute Kriya for Thyroid and Parathyroid
Episode 8
Spark your creativity and nurture a heathy thyroid and parathyroid in this kriya that will help unblock your artistic side and stir up energy. Recommended props: 1 blanket
22:14Episode 9
20 min Breath Mechanics 101 w/ Alicia
Episode 9
Learn how to breathe with more efficiently so you can bring those benefits to every facet of your practice.