5 minute Single Legged Bakasana Tutorial
Andrea Marcum
4m 11s
We totally get it. For years you've been patiently waiting for your single-legged crow to take flight... sigh... Before you dive into another downward spiral of whoa-is-me, think of this tutorial as a bit of a crow-is-me. Andrea's got a trick up her sleeve that's gonna coax that bird right out of its nest. It would be ideal for you to have a few sun salutations under your belt before you jump into this just to be sure you are warm. You're going to need a block... oh, and if you're still insisting you can't, you're going to need to get ready to eat crow. :) Recommended props: 1 block
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60 minute What Four?
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45 min Legs to Stand On w/ Andrea
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