60 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - Meet The Moment - 2/28/2025
Vinyasa Flow
Friday flow to un grip tension and create space to receive the moment. Some days we show up with abundant energy and other days it takes everything to get on your mat. ;) This is a sequence to let go of "what it should be" and be in the pose with acceptance. Yoga is a pathway to freedom, in order to get there we need to release how we can hold ourselves back. Being aware is the pathway untangling limited beliefs and BE your own advocate. 60 minutes to reset your sights on what lights you up. recommended: block and strap
1:00:2523 days ago
60 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia ...
23 days ago
Your body is your instrument to listen to your center, this nurtures your relationship with your creative life force. A sequence to move through whatever is showing up and breathe into each pose to pause in that deep listening. The more present you are, the more power you can direct toward what y...
1:00:4530 days ago
60 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia ...
30 days ago
2/14 has the signature of love, a flow to nurture the flame of your heart. The space that generates how we show compassion to ourselves and each other. A sequence to nurture your life force so you can experience the poses with effort and ease. Life will mirror back where the action of love can be...
1:01:15about 1 month ago
60 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia ...
about 1 month ago
It is strong to slow down and soften tension. When you do there is more space to feel your flow. The element of water is reminder to let your edges smooth so your life force can move through you and create freedom. This is a flow to navigate your poses with curiosity so you can move obstacles and...