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LIVE: Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/ Mia (Sat) 75 min - 09/23/2023, 16:54:30
1h 24m
PT 8:30 AM - CT 10:30 AM- ET 11:30 AM
PT 8:30 AM - CT 10:30 AM- ET 11:30 AM
A flow to connect your inner and outer worlds so you feel supported in your body, mind, and heart. recommended: block and strap
Practice makes progress, so your mind, body, and heart feel integrated and aligned. Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor "Anne Lamott" This sequence is a space to move, breathe, and clear out pesky critical voices and connect to your creative flow. recommended: block and strap
Yoga brings your mind, body, and heart into connection. This is the definition of yoga, Union. When you are aligned and attuned to your inner world, the next right move in your outer world can be revealed through trusting you inner guidance. recommended: block and strap